PHP code example of td7650 / superclosure

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download td7650/superclosure library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


td7650 / superclosure example snippets

use SuperClosure\Serializer;

$serializer = new Serializer();

$greeting = 'Hello';
$hello = function ($name = 'World') use ($greeting) {
    echo "{$greeting}, {$name}!\n";

//> Hello, Jeremy!

$serialized = $serializer->serialize($hello);
// ...
$unserialized = $serializer->unserialize($serialized);

//> Hello, Jeremy!

use SuperClosure\Serializer;
use SuperClosure\Analyzer\AstAnalyzer;
use SuperClosure\Analyzer\TokenAnalyzer;

// Use the default analyzer.
$serializer = new Serializer();

// Explicitly choose an analyzer.
$serializer = new Serializer(new AstAnalyzer());
// OR
$serializer = new Serializer(new TokenAnalyzer());

use SuperClosure\Analyzer\AstAnalyzer;

class Calculator
    public function getAdder($operand)
        return function ($number) use ($operand) {
            return $number + $operand;

$closure = (new Calculator)->getAdder(5);
$analyzer = new AstAnalyzer();

// array(10) {
//   'reflection' => class ReflectionFunction#5 (1) {...}
//   'code' => string(68) "function ($number) use($operand) {
//     return $number + $operand;
// };"
//   'hasThis' => bool(false)
//   'context' => array(1) {
//     'operand' => int(5)
//   }
//   'hasRefs' => bool(false)
//   'binding' => class Calculator#2 (0) {...}
//   'scope' => string(10) "Calculator"
//   'isStatic' => bool(false)
//   'ast' => class PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure#13 (2) {...}
//   'location' => array(8) {
//     'class' => string(11) "\Calculator"
//     'directory' => string(47) "/Users/lindblom/Projects/{...}/SuperClosureTest"
//     'file' => string(58) "/Users/lindblom/Projects/{...}/SuperClosureTest/simple.php"
//     'function' => string(9) "{closure}"
//     'line' => int(11)
//     'method' => string(22) "\Calculator::{closure}"
//     'namespace' => NULL
//     'trait' => NULL
//   }
// }

$serializer1 = new SuperClosure\Serializer(null, $yourSecretSigningKey);
$data = $serializer1->serialize(function () {echo "Hello!\n";});
echo $data . "\n";
// %rv9zNtTArySx/1803fgk3rPS1RO4uOPPaoZfTRWp554=C:32:"SuperClosure\Serializa...

$serializer2 = new SuperClosure\Serializer(null, $incorrectKey);
try {
    $fn = $serializer2->unserialize($data);
} catch (SuperClosure\Exception\ClosureUnserializationException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// The signature of the closure's data is invalid, which means the serialized
// closure has been modified and is unsafe to unserialize.