PHP code example of tatter / relations

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tatter/relations library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tatter / relations example snippets

	use \Tatter\Relations\Traits\ModelTrait

	protected $with = 'groups';
	// or
	protected $with = ['groups', 'permissions'];

$users = $userModel->with('groups')->findAll();
foreach ($users as $userEntity)
	echo "User {$user->name} has " . count($user->groups) . " groups.";

	use \Tatter\Relations\Traits\EntityTrait
	protected $table      = 'users';
	protected $primaryKey = 'id';

	$user = $userModel->find(1);
	foreach ($user->groups as $group)
		echo $group->name;

	if ($user->hasGroups([1, 3]))
		echo 'allowed!';

// User hasMany Widgets
$user = $userModel->with('widgets')->find($userId);
echo "User {$user->name} has " . count($user->widgets) . " widgets.";

// ... but a Widget belongsTo one User
$widget = $widgetModel->with('users')->find($widgetId);
echo $widget->name . " belongs to " . $widget->user->name;

/* Define your models */
class UserModel
	use \Tatter\Relations\Traits\ModelTrait;

	protected $table = 'users';
	protected $with  = 'widgets';
/* Then in your controller */
$groups = $groupModel->whereIn('id', $groupIds)->with('users')->findAll();

foreach ($groups as $group)
	echo "<h1>{$group->name}</h1>";
	foreach ($group->users as $user)
		echo "{$user->name} is a {$user->role} with " . count($user->widgets) . " widgets.";
php spark schemas