1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tassoevan/prototype library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
tassoevan / prototype example snippets
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
$obj = new Prototype();
$obj->a = function($x) {
return $x + 2;
$obj->a(2); // returns 4
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
$obj = new Prototype(function($x) {
return $x + 2;
$obj(2); // returns 4
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
use TassoEvan\Prototype\NormalProperty;
$obj = new Prototype();
$obj->a = new NormalProperty('My value');
echo $obj->a; // outputs 'My value'
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
$obj = new Prototype();
$obj->a = Prototype::normal('My value');
echo $obj->a; // outputs 'My value'
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
$obj = new Prototype();
$obj->a = 'My value';
echo $obj->a; // outputs 'My value'
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
$obj = new Prototype();
$obj->a = 'My value';
echo $obj->a; // outputs 'My value'
$obj->a = 'My new value';
echo $obj->a; // outputs 'My new value'
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
$obj = new Prototype();
$obj->a = Prototype::readOnly('My value'); // non-strict
echo $obj->a; // outputs 'My value'
$obj->a = 'My new value';
echo $obj->a; // outputs 'My value'
$obj->b = Prototype::readOnly('My value', true); // strict
echo $obj->b; // outputs 'My value'
$obj->b = 'My new value'; // a `UnexpectedValueException`
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
$obj = new Prototype();
$obj->db = Prototype::lazy(function() use($myDSNString) {
// connected only when used
return new PDO($myDSNString);
$obj->db->exec('UPDATE poke_registry SET pokes = pokes+1'); // connects to database and performs a query
use TassoEvan\Prototype\Prototype;
$obj = new Prototype();
$obj->a = Prototype::dynamic(function() {
return "foo";
function($value) {
echo "Do you want to set {$value} to this property?";
echo $obj->a; // outputs "foo"
$obj->a = 3; // outputs "Do you want to set 3 to this property?"
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