PHP code example of tarsana / syntax

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tarsana/syntax library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tarsana / syntax example snippets

Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

// a repo is an object having a name (string) and stars (number), separated by ':'
$repo = "{name: string, stars:number}";
// a line consists of a first and last names, optional number of followers, and repos, separated by space. The repos are separated by ","
$line = "{first_name, last_name, followers: (number: 0), repos: ([{$repo}]:[]) | }";
// a document is a list of lines separated by PHP_EOL
$document = "[{$line}|".PHP_EOL."]";

// Now we make the syntax object
$documentSyntax = S::syntax()->parse($document);

// Then we can use the defined syntax to parse the document:
$developers = $documentSyntax->parse(trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/files/devs.txt')));

// ... manipulating $developers

file_put_contents('path/to/file', $documentSyntax->dump($developers));

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$string = S::string(); // instance of Tarsana\Syntax\StringSyntax

$string->parse('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
//=> 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'

//  Tarsana\Syntax\Exceptions\ParseException: Error while parsing '' as String at character 0: String should not be empty

$string->dump('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
//=> 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
//=> ''

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$number = S::number(); // instance of Tarsana\Syntax\NumberSyntax

$number->parse('58.9'); //=> 58.9

//  Tarsana\Syntax\Exceptions\ParseException: Error while parsing 'Lorem' as Number at character 0: Not a numeric value

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$boolean = S::boolean(); // instance of Tarsana\Syntax\BooleanSyntax

$boolean->parse('true'); //=> true
$boolean->parse('yes'); //=> true
$boolean->parse('y'); //=> true
$boolean->parse('TrUe'); //=> true (case insensitive)
$boolean->parse('false'); //=> false
$boolean->parse('no'); //=> false
$boolean->parse('N'); //=> false

// Tarsana\Syntax\Exceptions\ParseException: Error while parsing 'Lorem' as Boolean at character 0: Boolean value should be one of "yes", "no", "y", "n", "true", "false"

$boolean->dump(true); //=> 'true'
$boolean->dump(false); //=> 'false'

// Tarsana\Syntax\Exceptions\DumpException: Error while dumping some input as Boolean: Not a boolean

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$strings = S::array();

//=> ['aa:bb','cc','ss,089','true']
// Note that we can use "..." to escape the separator

//=> 'aa,"bb,cc",76'
// Yeah, it's smart enough to auto-escape items containing the separator

$vector = S::array(S::number());

//=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

$matrix = S::array($vector, PHP_EOL);

//=> [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 100] ]

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$optionalNumber = S::optional(S::number(), 10);

$optionalNumber->parse(15); //=> 15
$optionalNumber->success(); //=> true

$optionalNumber->parse('Yo'); //=> 10 (the default value)
$optionalNumber->success(); //=> false

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$repository = S::object([
    'name' => S::string(),
    'is_private' => S::optional(S::boolean(), false),
    'forks' => S::optional(S::number(), 0),
    'stars' => S::optional(S::number(), 0)

// an stdClass as below
// {
//  name: 'tarsana/syntax',
//  is_private: false,
//  forks: 0,
//  stars: 0
// }

// {
//  name: 'tarsana/syntax',
//  is_private: false,
//  forks: 5,
//  stars: 0
// }

// {
//  name: 'tarsana/syntax',
//  is_private: true,
//  forks: 7,
//  stars: 0
// }

$data = (object) [
    'name' => 'foo/bar',
    'is_private' => false,
    'forks' => 9,
    'stars' => 3

// 'foo/bar:false:9:3'

$developer = S::object([
    'name' => S::string(),
    'followers' => S::optional(S::number(), 0),
    'repositories' => S::optional(S::array($repository), [])
], ' ');

// {
//  name: 'Amine',
//  followers: 0,
//  repositories: []
// }

$developer->parse('Amine tarsana/syntax,webNeat/lumen-generators:16:57');
// {
//  name: 'Amine',
//  followers: 0,
//  repositories: [
//      { name: 'tarsana/syntax', is_private: false, forks: 0, stars: 0 },
//      { name: 'webNeat/lumen-generators', is_private: false, forks: 16, stars: 57 }
//  ]
// }

$personSyntax = S::object([
  'name' => S::string(),
   'age' => S::number(),
   'vip' => S::boolean(),
  'friends' => S::array()

$personSyntax = S::syntax()->parse('{name, age:number, vip:boolean, friends:[]}');

// '{name: string, age: number}'
  'name' => S::string(),
   'age' => S::number()

// '{position: {x: number, y: number |"|"}, width:number, height:number}'
  'position' => S::object([
    'x' => S::number(),
    'y' => S::number()
  ], '|'),
   'width' => S::number(),
  'height' => S::number()

// '{name, stars:number, contributers: [{name, email|-}]}'
  'name'  => S::string(),
  'stars' => S::number(),
  'contributers' => S::array(S::object([
    'name'  => S::string(),
    'email' => S::string()
  ], '-'))