PHP code example of tamtamchik / namecase

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tamtamchik/namecase library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tamtamchik / namecase example snippets

use \Tamtamchik\NameCase\Formatter;
use function \Tamtamchik\NameCase\str_name_case;

// As a static call
Formatter::nameCase("KEITH");                            // => Keith
Formatter::nameCase("LEIGH-WILLIAMS");                   // => Leigh-Williams
Formatter::nameCase("MCCARTHY");                         // => McCarthy
Formatter::nameCase("O'CALLAGHAN");                      // => O'Callaghan
Formatter::nameCase("ST. JOHN");                         // => St. John
Formatter::nameCase("VON STREIT");                       // => von Streit
Formatter::nameCase("AP LLWYD DAFYDD");                  // => ap Llwyd Dafydd
Formatter::nameCase("HENRY VIII");                       // => Henry VIII
Formatter::nameCase("VAN DYKE");                         // => van Dyke

// Or as an instance
$formatter = new Formatter();
$formatter->nameCase("LOUIS XIV");                       // => Louis XIV

// Or as a function
str_name_case("JJ ABRAMS");                              // => JJ Abrams

// Passing options (see below for details)
  'lazy'        => true,
  'irish'       => true,
  'spanish'     => false,
  'roman'       => true,
  'hebrew'      => true,
  'postnominal' => true,

// Or
$formatter = new Formatter(['spanish' => true]);

// Or 
    'lazy' = false, 
    'postnominal' => false

// Or even
Formatter::nameCase("VAN DYKE", ['lazy' = false]);

// And for function
str_name_case("VAN DYKE", ['lazy' = false]);

use Tamtamchik\NameCase\Formatter;


Formatter::nameCase('ČERNÝ MOST');