PHP code example of tamkeenlms / mobily-sms-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tamkeenlms/mobily-sms-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tamkeenlms / mobily-sms-api example snippets

  $client1 = new \MobilyAPI\Client( $username , $password , $paramDefaults, $setup );

  $client1 = new \MobilyAPI\Client('username1', 'password2', ['sender' => 'Tamkeen LMS']);
  $client2 = new \MobilyAPI\Client('username2', 'password2', ['sender' => 'Tamkeen Company']);

  // Create the request, under the $client1
  $request = $client1->createRequest('sendingStatus');
  // Send the request
  $response = $request->send(); // (Returns a "Response" instance)

  $serviceStatus = new \MobilyAPI\requests\SendingStatus( $client1 ); // Pass the client instance to the request class
  $response = $serviceStatus->send();

  $request = $client1->createRequest('sendingStatus'); // Create
  $request->send(); // Send
  var_dump( $request->available() ); // The method "available" returns boolean whether the service is up or not 

  $request = $client1->createRequest('sendSMS', ['0123456789'], 'Hi there!');
  // The params
  $request->getParams(); // ['numbers' => ['0123456789'], 'message' => 'Hi there!']
  // The response
  $request->getResponse()->result(); // "message_sent"
  if($request->successful() && $request->sent()){
    // Request made successfully, and the message was sent successfully!

  // The request client
  $request->getClient()->createRequest( ... )

	(new Client(...))->request('SendSMS', ['0123456789'], 'Beep boop ...');

  $serviceStatus = new \MobilyAPI\requests\SendingStatus( $client1 );
  $response = $serviceStatus->send(); // Returns the Response
  var_dump( $response->result() ); // "available"
  var_dump( $response->raw() ); // "1"
  // Guzzle Response object
  $response->object()->getStatusCode(); // "200" for example
  // A method available with the request
  $request->available(); // Boolean (Notice using $request not $response)

  $serviceStatus = new \MobilyAPI\requests\SendingStatus( $client1 );
  $serviceStatus->available(); // Available or not

  $newSMS = new \MobilyAPI\requests\sendSMS( client, numbers, $message, $time, variableSets, messageId, sender, deletionKey );
  $newSMS->sent() // Boolea, marks whether the message was sent or not

  $client->createRequest('SendSMS', ['0123456789', '9876543210'], 'I AM YOUR FATHER')->send();

  $client->createRequest('SendSMS', ['0123456789'], 'Bazinga', '2016-12-31 00:00:00');
  $client->createRequest('SendSMS', ['0123456789'], 'Stop googling your name!', Carbon::tomorrow()); // Send tomorrow the same time
  $client->createRequest('SendSMS', ['0123456789'], 'Smilly cat, Smilly cat', Carbon::today()->addDays(3)); // 12 AM 3 days from now

  $request = $client->createRequest('SendSMS', ['0123456789'], 'How you doin', '2016-12-31 18:30:00');
  $request->send(); // Schedule
  $request->cancel(); // Canel

  $values = [
    ['name' => 'Michael', 'website' => ''],
    ['name' => 'John', 'website' => '']
  $client->createRequest('SendSMS', ['0123456789', '9876543210'], 'Hey (name), check (website)', null, $values);

  $request = $client->createRequest('deleteSMS', ['messageXYZ']);
  $request->deleted(); // (Boolean) Marking whether the message was deleted or not

  $request = $client->createRequest('SendSMS', ['0123456789'], 'Yo!');
  $messageDeletionKey = $request->getDeletionKey();
  // ...
  $request2 = $client->createRequest('deleteSMS', [$messageDeletionKey]);

  $request = $client->createRequest('GetBalance');
  $request->balance(); // ['remaining' => 50, 'total' => 100]
  $request->remaining(); // 50
  $request->total(); // 100
  $request->available(); // (Boolean) Has credit or not