PHP code example of talesoft / phim

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download talesoft/phim library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


talesoft / phim example snippets

use Phim\Color;

//By name
Color::get('red'); //RgbColor(255,0,0)
Color::get(Color::MAROON); //RgbColor(128, 0, 0)

//By hex string
Color::get('#00ff00'); //RgbColor(0, 255, 0)
Color::get('#00f'); //RgbColor(0, 0, 255)
Color::get('#000a'); //RgbaColor(0, 0, 0, 0.1)

//By integer
Color::get(0x00ff00); //RgbColor(0, 255, 0)
Color::get(0x00ff00ff); //RgbaColor(0, 255, 0, 1.0)

//By function literals
Color::get('rgb(14, 24, 100)'); //RgbColor(14, 24, 100)
Color::get('hsl(120, .5, 1.0)'); //HslColor(120, 0.5, 1.0)
Color::get('lab(50, 40, 22)'); //LabColor(50, 40, 22)

//Percent-values are allowed and will scale automatically
Color::get('rgba(50%, 100, 20%, 50%)'); //RgbaColor(127.5, 100, 51, 0.5)
Color::get('hsl(50%, 50%, 1.0)'); //HslColor(180, 0.5, 1.0)

//You can also just create them manually (better performance)

use Phim\Color\RgbColor;
use Phim\Color\HslaColor;

$myRgbColor = new RgbColor(0, 100, 0);
$myHslaColor = new HslaColor(120, .5, .1, 1.0);




$lightTurquoise = Color::get('blue')
        ->setGreen(50) //Mix some green in
        ->setLightness(.6) //Make it lighter
        ->setAlpha(.4) //Add 40% transparency
    ->toRgba(); //Make sure it's an RGBA color in the end
echo $lightTurquoise; //Will print `rgba(50,90,255,0.4)`

use Phim\Color;

//Lightening and darkening (Added, not multiplied)
Color::lighten($color, .4);
Color::darken($color, .2);

//Get the complementary color (180° rotated hue)

//Convert to grayscale

//Fade in or out (Added, not multiplied)
Color::fade($color, .1);
Color::fade($color, -.1);

//Mix two colors
Color::mix($color, $mixColor);

//Inverse a color

Color::saturate($color, .4);
Color::desaturate($color, .2);

//Get the hue range the color resides in (basically, "what base color is this color"?)
//Supported hue ranges are: RED, YELLOW, GREEN, CYAN, BLUE and MAGENTA.
Color::getColorHueRange(Color::get('rgba(80, 0, 0)')); //Color::HUE_RANGE_RED

//Gets the hexadecimal representation of a color.
//Notice that it will turn an Alpha-color into a 4-channel hexadecimal string, because it can also parse them.
//If you want to use the hex value in CSS or HTML, use `toRgb()` on the color before to strip the alpha channel

//Gets the integer representation of a color (including support for alpha channel)

//Get the name of a color. Many colors don't have names, it will return a hex-representation in this case

$red = Color::get('red'); //rgb(255, 0, 0)

Color::getDifference($red, Color::get('blue')); //52.878674140461

Color::getDifference($red, Color::get('maroon')); //25.857031489394

Color::getDifference($red, Color::get('rgb(250, 0, 0)')); //1.0466353226581

$red = Color::get('red');

foreach ($otherColors as $otherColor) {

    //Using a tolerance of 2, so the maximum difference between the colors is 2
    if (Color::equals($red, $otherColor, 2))
        echo "Well, this is almost the same color!";

use Phim\Color\Palette;

$palette = new Palette([

$palette[] = 'rgb(120, 35, 56)';

$palette[0]; //RgbColor(255, 0, 0)
$palette[6]; //RgbColor(120, 35, 56)

use Phim\Color\Palette;

$palette = Palette::merge($somePalette, $someOtherPalette);

use Phim\Color\Palette;
use Phim\ColorInterface;

//Filter all colors that have a lightness below .4
$palette = Palette::filter(function(ColorInterface $color) {
    return $color->getHsl()->getLightness() >= .4;

use Phim\Color\Palette;

//Would only yield colors that have a red-ish hue
$palette = Palette::filterByHueRange($palette, Color::HUE_RANGE_RED);

use Phim\Color\Palette;

//Colors would need to have a difference of at least 4 to all other colors
//in the palette in order to be put in the result collection.
$palette = Palette::filterSimilarColors($palette, 4);

use Phim\Color\Scheme\ComplementaryScheme;

$colors = new ComplementaryScheme($baseColor); //2 colors

use Phim\Color\Scheme\AnalogousScheme;

$colors = new AnalogousScheme($baseColor); //3 colors

use Phim\Color\Scheme\TriadicScheme;

$colors = new TriadicScheme($baseColor); //3 colors

use Phim\Color\Scheme\SplitComplementaryScheme;

$colors = new SplitComplementaryScheme($baseColor); //3 colors

use Phim\Color\Scheme\TetradicScheme;

$colors = new TetradicScheme($baseColor); //4 colors

use Phim\Color\Scheme\SquareScheme;

$colors = new SquareScheme($baseColor); //4 colors

use Phim\Color\Scheme\NamedMonochromaticScheme;

$colors = new NamedMonochromaticScheme($baseColor, .3); //7 colors


use Phim\Color\Scheme\HueRotationScheme;

$colors = new HueRotationScheme($baseColor, 5, 5); //5 colors, +5° hue per color

use Phim\Color\Scheme\TintScheme;

$colors = new TintScheme($baseColor, 6, .3); //6 colors, +.3 lightness per color

use Phim\Color\Scheme\ShadeScheme;

$colors = new ShadeScheme($baseColor, 6, .3); //6 colors, -.3 lightness per color

use Phim\Color\Scheme\ToneScheme;

$colors = new ToneScheme($baseColor, 6, .3); //6 colors, -.3 saturation per color


namespace Phim\Color\Scheme;

use Phim\Color;
use Phim\ColorInterface;

class MyCustomScheme extends Color\SchemeBase

    protected function generate(ColorInterface $baseColor)

    	//Generates the passed base-color with 5 different lightness values
    	yield $baseColor->toHsl()->setLightness(.1);
    	yield $baseColor->toHsl()->setLightness(.2);
    	yield $baseColor->toHsl()->setLightness(.3);
    	yield $baseColor->toHsl()->setLightness(.4);
    	yield $baseColor->toHsl()->setLightness(.5);

namespace Phim\Color\Scheme;

use Phim\Color;
use Phim\ColorInterface;

class MyCustomContinousScheme extends Color\Scheme\ContinousSchemeBase

    protected function generateStep(ColorInterface $baseColor, $i, $step)

    	//Does the same as above, but both, the amount and step-value can be passed to the constructor
        return Color::lighten($baseColor, $i * $step);

$colors = [Color::RED, Color::BLUE, Color::GREEN, Color::YELLOW];

$palette = new Palette();

foreach ($colors as $color) {

    //Add the tetradic scheme for each color
    $palette = Palette::merge($palette, new TetradicScheme($color));

//Only take blue-ish colors
$palette = Palette::filterByHueRange($palette, Color::HUE_RANGE_BLUE);

//Avoid similar colors
$palette = Palette::filterSimilarColors($palette, 8);

//Print a nice HTML representation with 4 columns of the palette for debugging
Palette::toHtml($palette, 4);

echo Color::get('red'); //'rgb(255, 0, 0)'
echo Color::get('hsl(120, .5, .2)'); //'hsl(120, 50%, 20%)'

echo Color::get('red')->getRgba(); //rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)