1. Go to this page and download the library: Download talanoff/laravel-wubook library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
talanoff / laravel-wubook example snippets
'providers' => [
// OTHER PROVIDERS'Talanoff\LaravelWubook\WuBookServiceProvider::class'
'aliases' => [
// OTHER ALIASES'WuBook' => Talanoff\LaravelWubook\Facades\WuBook::class
// An error occurredreturn [
'has_error' => true,
'data' => 'A human readeable error message'
// Successreturn [
'has_error' => false,
// returns a string (ex. '9869117656.9552'), throws an exception otherwise
// returns a boolean if the token is successfully released, throws an exception otherwise
is_token_valid($token, $request_new = false)
// - if the token is valid returns an integer representing the total operations made with the token// - if `request_new` is set to `true` and the token is not valid the method `aquire_token()` is called// - false otherwise
provider_info($token = null)
// returns an array with the provider infos
// you can alias this in config/app.php if you like// Retrieve the token
$token = WuBook::auth()->acquire_token() // (ex. '9869117656.9552')
WuBook::rooms()->fetch_rooms(1) // See http://tdocs.wubook.net/wired/rooms.html#fetching-existing-rooms// this example is simple, and there are far more methods available// The result will be an associative array with this structure
0 => [
id => 123,
name => 'room',
shortname => 'ro',
occupancy => 2,
men => 2,
children => 0,
subroom => 0,
// ...
1 => [
// ...
useIlluminate\Support\Facades\App; // you probably have this aliased alreadyclassRoomManager{
protected $wubook;
publicfunction__construct(WuBookManager $wubook){
$this->wubook = $wubook;
publicfunctionfetch_rooms($ancillary = 0){
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