PHP code example of takuya / php-letencrypt-acme-dns

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download takuya/php-letencrypt-acme-dns library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


takuya / php-letencrypt-acme-dns example snippets

export LE_CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN='X-811Gxxxxx'
export LE_EMAIL='[email protected]'
php bin/request-issue.php 'aab.example.tld' 'aaa.example.tld'

/** ********
 * Prepare
use Takuya\LEClientDNS01\Account;
$cf_api_token = getenv( 'LE_CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN' );
$your_email   = getenv( 'LE_EMAIL' );
$domain_names = ["www.your-domain.tld",'*.www.your-domain.tld'];
$account = new Account( $your_email );
/** ********
 * Order certificate.
$dns = new CloudflareDNSPlugin( $cf_api_token, base_domain($domain_names[0]) );
$cli = new LetsEncryptAcmeDNS( $account );
$cli->setDomainNames( $domain_names );
$cli->setAcmeURL( LetsEncryptACMEServer::PROD );
$cli->setDnsPlugin( $dns );
$cert_and_a_key = $cli->orderNewCert();
/** ********
 * Save in your own way.
$owner_pkey = $account->private_key;
$cert_pem  = $cert_and_a_key->cert();
$cert_pkey = $cert_and_a_key->privKey();//domain pkey, not an owner's pkey. 
$full_chain = $cert_and_a_key->fullChain();
$pkcs12     = $cert_and_a_key->pkcs12('enc pass');
$cert_info = new SSLCertificateInfo( $cert_and_a_key->cert(); );

$cli->setDomainNames( ['*.your-domain.tld'] );

$cli->setDomainNames( ['www.your-domain.tld'] );

$cli->setDomainNames( ['www.your-domain.tld','ipsec.your-domain.tld'] );

$cli->setDomainNames( ['www.first.tld','www.second.tld'] );

// set dns plugin per Domain.
$cli = new LetsEncryptAcmeDNS( 'priv_key_pem', '[email protected]' );
$dns_plugin_1 = new CloudflareDNSPlugin( 'cloudflare_token', 'example.tld' );
$dns_plugin_2 = new YourOwnPlugin( 'your_own_key', '' );
$cli->setDnsPlugin( $dns_plugin_1, 'example.tld' );
$cli->setDnsPlugin( $dns_plugin_2, '' );

class YourOwnPlugin extends DNSPlugin{


class YourOwnPlugin extends DNSPlugin{
  public function addDnsTxtRecord ( $domain, $content ): bool;{
    // TODO: write your way to add TXT Record for ACME challenge.
  public  function removeTxtRecord ( $domain, $content ): bool{
    // TODO: Write in your way, how to remove TXT Record , after ACME.

php: >=8.1
    "cloudflare/sdk": "^1.3",
    "acmephp/core": "^2.1",
    "pear/net_dns2": "^1.5",
    "ext-openssl": "*"