PHP code example of takman1 / phalcon-jwt-auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download takman1/phalcon-jwt-auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


takman1 / phalcon-jwt-auth example snippets

use Phalcon\Config;

/** @var Config $config */
return $config->merge(new Config([
    'myapi-auth' => [
        'secretKey' => $_SERVER['API_JWT_SECRET_KEY'], // secretKey comes from .env file (or ENV variables)
        'session-token-name' => 'myapi-jwt-token', // token name in session
        'payload' => [
            'exp' => 10, // in minutes
            'iss' => 'myapi-jwt-auth'
        'ignoreUri' => [

    function () use ($di) {
        /** @var \Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager */
        $eventsManager = $di->getShared('eventsManager');
            'dispatch:beforeExecuteRoute', //plug the service to this event
            function (\Phalcon\Events\Event $event, $dispatcher) {
                return $dispatcher->getDi()
                    ->getShared('jwtAuth') // service declared bellow
                    ->beforeExecuteRoute($event, $dispatcher);

        $dispatcher = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher();

        return $dispatcher;

$di->setShared('jwtAuth', function () use ($di) {
    return new \Dmkit\Phalcon\Auth\Middleware\JwtAuthenticator(
        'myapi-auth' //config key

public function myAction()
    // get token from session
    $tokenName = $this->config->get('myapi-auth')->get('session-token-name');
    $tokenValue = $this->session->get($tokenName);

    // set token and its payload in session
    // array of payload data, to customize 
    $payload = [
        'username' => $username,
        'password' => $password,
        'role' => 'api-user',
        'iat' => time(),
    // jwtAuth is the service name
    $token = $this->jwtAuth->make($payload);
    $this->session->set($tokenName, $token);
    // disconnect user by unsetting the token in session
    //get payload data
    // in controller
    $this->jwtAuth->data(); // all data array
    $this->jwtAuth->data('username'); // get specific "username" data
    // in another service

$auth->onUnauthorized(function($auth, $request, $response, $session) {

    $response->setStatusCode(401, 'Unauthorized');

    // to get the error messages
    $response->setContent(json_encode([$auth->getMessages()[0] ?? '']));

    // return false to stop the execution
    return false;

$auth->onCheck(function($auth) {
    // to get the payload
    $data = $auth->data();
    if ($data['iat'] <= strtotime('-1 day')) {
        // return false to invalidate the authentication
        return false;




// in your controller

echo $this->auth->id(); // will look for sub or id payload

echo $this->auth->data(); // return all payload

echo $this->auth->data('email');