PHP code example of taitava / php-cachedcall

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download taitava/php-cachedcall library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


taitava / php-cachedcall example snippets

class Page
  public $template = "page_template.html";
  public $title;
  public $author;
  public $content;
  public $date;

  public function __construct($data)
    foreach ($data as $key => $value)
      $this->$key = $value;

  public static function getPageFromDB($id)
    $data = ORM::table("Page")->getById($id); // ORM class is not defined in this example, but let's just pretend that it exists. :)
    return new self($data);

  public function RenderContent()
    $template = file_get_contents($this->template);
    $data = [
    // ...
    // Do some placeholder replacements to $template with $data here...
    // ...
    return $template

class Page
  use Taitava\CachedCall\CachedCallTrait; // Apply the trait for this class.

  public $template = "page_template.html";
  public $title;
  public $author;
  public $content;
  public $date;

  public function __construct($data)
    foreach ($data as $key => $value)
      $this->$key = $value;

  public static function getPageFromDB($id)
    return static::cached_static_call(__METHOD__, func_get_args(), function ($id)
      $data = ORM::table("Page")->getById($id); // ORM class is not defined in this example, but let's just pretend that it exists. :)
      return new self($data);

  public function renderContent()
    return $this->cached_call(__METHOD__, func_get_args() /* Actually this is an empty array because this method has no parameters. */, function ()
      $template = file_get_contents($this->template);
      $data = [
      // ...
      // Do some placeholder replacements to $template with $data here...
      // ...
      return $template

class Page
  use Taitava\CachedCall\CachedCallTrait; // Apply the trait for this class.

  public $template = "page_template.html";
  public $title;
  public $author;
  public $content;
  public $date;

  // ...

  public function doSomething(array $an_array)
    $stringified_array = implode(",", $an_array); // Create a custom cache key. This can be done IF we know that the array is likely to be *small*. Be careful!
    $parameters = [$stringified_array];
    return $this->cached_call(__METHOD__, $parameters, function () use ($an_array)
      // ...
      // Do something with $an_array...
      // ...
      return $result

class Page
  use Taitava\CachedCall\CachedCallTrait;

  public function method1($parameter)
    $this->enable_cached_calls = false; // Disable cache
    $result = $this->cached_call(__METHOD__, func_get_args(), function ()
      // ...
      // Do something...
      // ...
      return $result
    $this->enable_cached_calls = true; // Re-enable cache
    return $result;

  public static function method2($parameter)
    static::$enable_cached_static_calls = false; // Disable cache
    $result = $this->cached_call(__METHOD__, func_get_args(), function ()
      // ...
      // Do something...
      // ...
      return $result
    static::$enable_cached_static_calls = true; // Re-enable cache