PHP code example of tahseen9 / rabbit-queue

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tahseen9/rabbit-queue library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tahseen9 / rabbit-queue example snippets

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tahseen9\RabbitQueue\RabbitQueueServiceProvider"
use Tahseen9\RabbitQueue\Contracts\T9RMQProducerInterface;

class MyProducer {
    private string $exchange = 'my_exchange';

    private string $queue = 'my_queue';
    private T9RMQConsumerInterface $producer;
    public function __construct(T9RMQProducerInterface $producer){
        # you can define the exchange and queue here
        $this->producer = $producer->setExchange($this->producer)
       # if you are running multiple queues,
       # pass the queue name in second argument of dispatch method like shown in the facade section
    public function fooProducer() {
          'lang' => 'php',
          'framework' => 'laravel',
        ]); # return type void
    } # fooProducer end
} # class end
use Tahseen9\RabbitQueue\Contracts\T9RMQConsumerInterface;

class MyListener {
    private string $exchange = 'my_exchange';

    private string $queue = 'my_queue';
    private T9RMQConsumerInterface $consumer;
    public function __construct(T9RMQConsumerInterface $consumer){
        # you can define the exchange and queue explicitly here
        $this->consumer = $consumer->setExchange($this->exchange)
       # if you are running multiple queues,
       # pass the queue name in second argument of listen method like shown in the facade section
    public function barListener() {
        $this-consumer->jsonArray(true) # want json array, set true, default null : used json_encode() inside
        ->listen(function($message, $handler){
            echo $message['lang']; # php
            echo $message['framework']; # laravel
            $handler->ack(); # acknowledge message after using it, so it will be removed from the queue
    #        $handler->stopWhenProcessed(); # use this if you want to stop execution after listening the whole queue    
          }); # return type void
    } # barListener end
} # class end