PHP code example of tagged / rest

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tagged/rest library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tagged / rest example snippets

$routes => array(
            "/login" => "login",
            "/health" => "health",
            # the scope operator allows for setting a specific method
            "/health/echo" => "health::showParams",
            #  a namespace URL. Children of this are appended.
            "/users/[i:userid]" => array(
                "/loginhistory" => "loginhistory",
                "/messages" => "messages",
                "/photos" => "photos",
                "/photos/[i:photoid]" => "photos"

class api_v2_photos extends \Tagged\Rest\Api\Base {
    public function __construct() {
        $this->_registerInputSchema( "find", array(
            "title" => "Query for user's uploaded photos by date, paginated",
            "type" => "object",
            "properties" => array(
                "dateRange" => \Tagged\Rest\Schema::DateRange(),
                "pagination" => \Tagged\Rest\Schema::Pagination(array(
            "tion find($request) {
        $dao = new tag_dao_photo();
        list($start,$end) = \Kleinbottle\Schema\DateRange::getDates($request->dateRange);

        $photoset = $dao->getPhotosByDate(
        return array(
            "size" => count($photoset),
            "photos" => $photoset,
    public function fetch($request) {
        $uid = $request->userid;
        $pid = $request->photoid;
        $dao = new tag_dao_photo();
        return $dao->getPhoto(

protected function _formatOutput($method, $data, $format) {
  if($method === 'fetch') {
    switch($format) {
      case 'html':
        return tag_page::render('some/template/path',$data);
        return json_encode($data);

$urlRoot = '/api/v1';
$routes = array(
    "/login" => "login",
    "/users/[i:userid]" => array(
        "/loginhistory" => "loginhistory",
        "/messages" => "messages",
        "/photos" => "photos",
        "/photos/[i:photoid]" => "photos"
$controllerPrefix = "tag_admin_api_v1";

$router = new tag_routing_core(

//it's probably a good idea to cache this.
//building the routes is long

//defualt uses $_SERVER vars

//Or specify directly (useful for manual driving and tests)
$router->routeRequest($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $_SERVER['HTTP_METHOD]);

$photoApi = api_v2_photos::raw();

// use the same structure as an api call
$photoObj = $photoApi->fetch(array(
array( 'item' => array('key'=>'value'))