PHP code example of symplify / smart-file-system

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download symplify/smart-file-system library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


symplify / smart-file-system example snippets

$fileInfo = new SplFileInfo('non_existing_file.txt');

if ($fileInfo->getRealPath() === false) {
    // damn, the files doesn't exist
    // throw exception or whatever
    // everytime!

$fileRealPath = $fileInfo->getRealPath();

$fileInfo = new Symplify\SmartFileSystem\SmartFileInfo('non_existing_file.txt');
// throws Symplify\SmartFileSystem\Exception\FileNotFoundException

// current directory (cwd()) is "/var/www"
$smartFileInfo = new Symplify\SmartFileSystem\SmartFileInfo('/var/www/src/ExistingFile.php');

echo $smartFileInfo->getBasenameWithoutSuffix();
// "ExistingFile"

echo $smartFileInfo->getRelativeFilePath();
// "src/ExistingFile.php"

echo $smartFileInfo->getRelativeDirectoryPath();
// "src"

echo $smartFileInfo->getRelativeFilePathFromDirectory('/var');
// "www/src/ExistingFile.php"

$smartFileInfo = new Symplify\SmartFileSystem\SmartFileInfo('/var/www/src/Post.php');

echo $smartFileInfo->getRelativeFilePathFromCwd();
// "src/Post.php"

$smartFileInfo = new Symplify\SmartFileSystem\SmartFileInfo('/var/www/src/PostRepository.php');

echo $smartFileInfo->endsWith('Repository.php');
// true

echo $smartFileInfo->doesFnmatch('*Repo*');
// true

$smartFileSystem = new Symplify\SmartFileSystem\SmartFileSystem();
$fileContent = $smartFileSystem->readFile(__DIR__ . '/SomeFile.php');

// if you plan to use SmartFileInfo, use this
$smartFileInfo = $smartFileSystem->readFileToSmartFileInfo(__DIR__ . '/SomeFile.php');

$files = [new SplFileInfo('someFile.php')];

$files = [new Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo('someFile.php', 'someFile', '')];

// or
$files = (new Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder())->files();

// or
$files = ['someFile.php'];

foreach ($files as $file) {
    // what methods do we have here
    // what kind of object?
    // is it even object or a string?

use Symplify\SmartFileSystem\Finder\FinderSanitizer;

$finderSanitizer = new FinderSanitizer();
$smartFileInfos = $finderSanitizer->sanitize($files);

// always array of Symplify\SmartFileSystem\SmartFileInfo