PHP code example of symplify / easy-coding-standard

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download symplify/easy-coding-standard library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


symplify / easy-coding-standard example snippets

use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ArrayNotation\ArraySyntaxFixer;
use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ListNotation\ListSyntaxFixer;
use Symplify\EasyCodingStandard\Config\ECSConfig;

return ECSConfig::configure()
    ->withPaths([__DIR__ . '/src', __DIR__ . '/tests'])
        ['syntax' => 'long']
    ->withPreparedSets(psr12: true);

use Symplify\EasyCodingStandard\Config\ECSConfig;

return ECSConfig::configure()
    ->withPaths([__DIR__ . '/src', __DIR__ . '/tests'])

use Symplify\EasyCodingStandard\Config\ECSConfig;

return ECSConfig::configure()
    ->withPaths([__DIR__ . '/src', __DIR__ . '/tests'])
    ->withPhpCsFixerSets(perCS20: true, doctrineAnnotation: true);

use Symplify\EasyCodingStandard\Config\ECSConfig;

return ECSConfig::configure()
        // skip single rule

        // skip single rule in specific paths
        ArraySyntaxFixer::class => [
            __DIR__ . '/src/ValueObject/',

        // skip directory by absolute or * mask
        __DIR__ . '/src/Migrations',

        // skip directories by mask
        __DIR__ . '/src/*/Legacy',

use Symplify\EasyCodingStandard\Config\ECSConfig;
use Symplify\EasyCodingStandard\ValueObject\Option;

return ECSConfig::configure()
    // file extensions to scan

    // configure cache paths and namespace - useful e.g. Gitlab CI caching, where getcwd() produces always different path
        directory: sys_get_temp_dir() . '/_changed_files_detector_tests',
        namespace: getcwd() // normalized to directory separator

    // print contents with specific indent rules
    ->withSpacing(indentation: Option::INDENTATION_SPACES, lineEnding: PHP_EOL)

    // modify parallel run
    ->withParallel(timeoutSeconds: 120, maxNumberOfProcess: 32, jobSize: 20);