PHP code example of symplely / processor

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download symplely/processor library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


symplely / processor example snippets

use Async\Processor\Processor;

// To set the path to PHP executable for child process

$process = \spawn($function, $timeout, $channel)
// Or
$process = Processor::create(function () use ($thing) {
    // Do a thing
    }, $timeout, $channel)
    ->then(function ($output) {
        // Handle success
    })->catch(function (\Throwable $exception) {
        // Handle exception

// Or

// Second option can be used to set to display child output, default is false
\spawn_run($process, true);
// Or

use Async\Processor\Channel;
use Async\Processor\ChannelInterface;

$ipc = new Channel();

$process = spawn(function (ChannelInterface $channel) {
    $channel->write('ping'); // same as echo 'ping' or echo fwrite(STDOUT, 'ping')
    echo $channel->read(); // same as echo fgets(STDIN);
    echo $channel->read();
    return 'return whatever';
    }, 300, $ipc)
        ->progress(function ($type, $data) use ($ipc) {
            if ('ping' === $data) {
                $ipc->send('pang' . \PHP_EOL);
            } elseif (!$ipc->isClosed()) {
                $ipc->send('pong' . \PHP_EOL);


echo \spawn_output($process); // pingpangpongreturn whatever
// Or
echo $ipc->receive(); // return whatever

$process = spawn($function, $timeout, $channel)
// Or
$process = Processor::create(function () {
        // The second argument is optional, Defaults 300.
        // it sets The maximum amount of time a process may take to finish in seconds
        // The third is optional input pipe to pass to subprocess
    }, int $timeout = 300 , $input = null)
    ->then(function ($output) {
        // On success, `$output` is returned by the process.
    ->catch(function ($exception) {
        // When an exception is thrown from within a process, it's caught and passed here.
    ->timeout(function () {
        // When an time is reached, it's caught and passed here.
    ->progress(function ($type, $data) {
        // A IPC like gateway: `$type, $data` is returned by the process progressing, it's producing output.
        // This can be use as a IPC handler for real time interaction.

->done(function ($result) {
    // On success, `$result` is returned by the process or callable you passed to the queue.
->then(function ($resultOutput) {
    }, function ($catchException) {
    }, function ($progressOutput) {

// To turn on to display child output.

// Stop displaying child output.

// To display child output, only by third party means once turned on.

// Processes can be retried.