PHP code example of sylvainjule / footnotes

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sylvainjule/footnotes library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sylvainjule / footnotes example snippets

// somewhere in your template
echo $page->text1()->collectFootnotes();

// somewhere else in your template
echo $page->text2()->collectFootnotes();

// at the end of your template,
// echo the footnotes container with all collected footnotes
echo Footnotes::footnotes();

// collect the footnotes and return the html with footnotes references
echo $page->blocks->toBlocks()->collectFootnotes();

// at the end of your template,
// echo the footnotes container with all collected footnotes
echo Footnotes::footnotes();

'sylvainjule.footnotes.wrapper'  => 'div'

'sylvainjule.footnotes.back'  => '&#8617;'

'sylvainjule.footnotes.links'  => false

// returns the text with footnotes references and a bottom footnote container
echo $page->text()->footnotes();

// returns the text without footnotes references nor bottom footnotes container
echo $page->text()->removeFootnotes();

// returns the text with footnotes references but no bottom footnotes container
echo $page->text()->withoutFootnotes();

// returns only the footnotes container
echo $page->text()->onlyFootnotes();

// returns the text with footnotes references, no footnotes container, but stores the footnotes container for later use
echo $page->text1()->collectFootnotes();
echo $page->text2()->collectFootnotes();

// returns the footnotes container with all collected footnotes and clears the memory
echo Footnotes::footnotes();