PHP code example of sycthexxx / upyun-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sycthexxx/upyun-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sycthexxx / upyun-php-sdk example snippets

// e Upyun\Upyun;
use Upyun\Config;
$serviceConfig = new Config('yourServiceName', 'yourOperatorName', 'yourOperatorPwd');
$client = new Upyun($serviceConfig);

$file = fopen('/local/path/file', 'r');
$client->write('/save/path', $file);

$client = new Upyun($serviceConfig);
$file = fopen('/local/path/file', 'r');
$client->write('/save/path', $file);

$file = fopen('/local/path/image.jpg', 'r');
$client->write('/save/image.png', $file, array('x-gmkerl-thumb' => '/format/png'));

$saveLocal = fopen('/local/path/image.jpg', 'w');
// 第二个参数不传时,read 方法将直接返回文件内容
$client->read('/remote/server/image.png', $saveLocal);