PHP code example of swoole-bundle / z-engine

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download swoole-bundle/z-engine library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


swoole-bundle / z-engine example snippets

use ZEngine\Core;


use ZEngine\Reflection\ReflectionClass;


eval('class TestClass extends FinalClass {}'); // Should be created

use ZEngine\Core;

$instance = new stdClass();
$handle   = spl_object_id($instance);

$objectEntry = Core::$executor->objectStore[$handle];

use ZEngine\ClassExtension\ObjectCastInterface;
use ZEngine\ClassExtension\ObjectCompareValuesInterface;
use ZEngine\ClassExtension\ObjectCreateInterface;
use ZEngine\ClassExtension\ObjectCreateTrait;
use ZEngine\ClassExtension\ObjectDoOperationInterface;

class Matrix implements
    use ObjectCreateTrait;

    // ...
$a = new Matrix([10, 20, 30]);
$b = new Matrix([1, 2, 3]);
$c = $a + $b; // Matrix([11, 22, 33])
$c *= 2;      // Matrix([22, 44, 66])

use ZEngine\Reflection\ReflectionClass as ReflectionClassEx;

// ... initialization logic

$refClass = new ReflectionClassEx(Matrix::class);

use ZEngine\ClassExtension\ObjectCreateTrait;
use ZEngine\Reflection\ReflectionClass as ReflectionClassEx;

$refClass = new ReflectionClassEx(Matrix::class);
$handler  = Closure::fromCallable([ObjectCreateTrait::class, '__init']);
$refClass->setCompareValuesHandler(function ($left, $right) {
    if (is_object($left)) {
        $left = spl_object_id($left);
    if (is_object($right)) {
        $right = spl_object_id($right);

    // Just for example, object with bigger object_id is considered bigger that object with smaller object_id
    return $left <=> $right;

use ZEngine\ClassExtension\Hook\CastObjectHook;

 * Interface ObjectCastInterface allows to cast given object to scalar values, like integer, floats, etc
interface ObjectCastInterface
     * Performs casting of given object to another value
     * @param CastObjectHook $hook Instance of current hook
     * @return mixed Casted value
    public static function __cast(CastObjectHook $hook);

use ZEngine\ClassExtension\Hook\CompareValuesHook;

 * Interface ObjectCompareValuesInterface allows to perform comparison of objects
interface ObjectCompareValuesInterface
     * Performs comparison of given object with another value
     * @param CompareValuesHook $hook Instance of current hook
     * @return int Result of comparison: 1 is greater, -1 is less, 0 is equal
    public static function __compare(CompareValuesHook $hook): int;

use ZEngine\ClassExtension\Hook\DoOperationHook;

 * Interface ObjectDoOperationInterface allows to perform math operations (aka operator overloading) on object
interface ObjectDoOperationInterface
     * Performs an operation on given object
     * @param DoOperationHook $hook Instance of current hook
     * @return mixed Result of operation value
    public static function __doOperation(DoOperationHook $hook);

use ZEngine\Core;

$ast = Core::$compiler->parseString('echo "Hello, world!", PHP_EOL;', 'hi.php');
echo $ast->dump();

use ZEngine\Core;
use ZEngine\System\Hook\AstProcessHook;

Core::setASTProcessHandler(function (AstProcessHook $hook) {
    $ast = $hook->getAST();
    echo "Parsed AST:", PHP_EOL, $ast->dump();
    // Let's modify Yes to No )
    echo $ast->getChild(0)->getChild(0)->getChild(0)->getValue()->setNativeValue('No');

eval('echo "Yes";');

// Parsed AST:
//    1: AST_STMT_LIST
//    1:   AST_STMT_LIST
//    1:     AST_ECHO
//    1:       AST_ZVAL string('Yes')
// No

use ZEngine\EngineExtension\AbstractModule;

class SimpleCountersModule extends AbstractModule
     * Returns the target thread-safe mode for this module
     * Use ZEND_THREAD_SAFE as default if your module does not depend on thread-safe mode.
    public static function targetThreadSafe(): bool
        return ZEND_THREAD_SAFE;

     * Returns the target debug mode for this module
     * Use ZEND_DEBUG_BUILD as default if your module does not depend on debug mode.
    public static function targetDebug(): bool
        return ZEND_DEBUG_BUILD;

     * Returns the target API version for this module
     * @see zend_modules.h:ZEND_MODULE_API_NO
    public static function targetApiVersion(): int
        return 20190902;

     * Returns true if this module should be persistent or false if temporary
    public static function targetPersistent(): bool
        return true;

     * Returns globals type (if present) or null if module doesn't use global memory
    public static function globalType(): ?string
        return 'unsigned int[10]';

$module = new SimpleCountersModule();
if (!$module->isModuleRegistered()) {

$data = $module->getGlobals();

$index        = mt_rand(0, 9); // If you have several workers, you should use worker pid to avoid race conditions
$data[$index] = $data[$index] + 1; // We are increasing global counter by one

/* Example of var_dump after several requests...
object(FFI\CData:uint32_t[10])#35 (10) {