PHP code example of swlib / saber

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download swlib/saber library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


swlib / saber example snippets

go(function () {
    echo SaberGM::get('');

SaberGM::post('', ['foo' => 'bar']);
SaberGM::put('', ['foo' => 'bar']);
SaberGM::patch('', ['foo' => 'bar']);

$saber = Saber::create([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'headers' => [
        'Accept-Language' => 'en,zh-CN;q=0.9,zh;q=0.8',
        'Content-Type' => ContentType::JSON,
        'DNT' => '1',
        'User-Agent' => null
echo $saber->get('/get');
echo $saber->delete('/delete');
echo $saber->post('/post', ['foo' => 'bar']);
echo $saber->patch('/patch', ['foo' => 'bar']);
echo $saber->put('/put', ['foo' => 'bar']);

$session = Saber::session([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'redirect' => 0
echo $session->get('/cookies')->body;

$responses = SaberGM::requests([
    ['uri' => ''],
    ['uri' => ''],
    ['uri' => '']
echo "multi-requests [ {$responses->success_num} ok, {$responses->error_num} error ]:\n" ."consuming-time: {$responses->time}s\n";

// multi-requests [ 3 ok, 0 error ]:
// consuming-time: 0.79090881347656s

// 别名机制可以省略参数书写参数名
$saber = Saber::create(['base_uri' => '']);
echo $saber->requests([

[$json, $xml, $html] = SaberGM::list([
    'uri' => [

$uri = '';
echo SaberGM::get($uri, ['proxy' => ''])->body;
echo SaberGM::get($uri, ['proxy' => 'socks5://'])->body;

$file1 = __DIR__ . '/black.png';
$file2 = [
    'path' => __DIR__ . '/black.png',
    'name' => 'white.png',
    'type' => ContentType::MAP['png'],
    'offset' => null, //re-upload from break
    'size' => null //upload a part of the file
$file3 = new SwUploadFile(
    __DIR__ . '/black.png',

echo SaberGM::post('', null, [
        'files' => [
            'image1' => $file1,
            'image2' => $file2,
            'image3' => $file3

$download_dir = '/tmp/saber.jpg';
$response = SaberGM::download(
if ($response->success) {
    exec('open ' . $download_dir);

$uri = '';
$res = SaberGM::get(
    $uri, [
        'exception_report' => 0,
        'retry_time' => 3,
        'retry' => function (Saber\Request $request) {
            echo "retry...\n";
            $request->withBasicAuth('foo', 'bar'); //发现失败后添加验证信息
            if ('i don not want to retry again') {
                return false; // shutdown
echo $res;

$bufferStream = new BufferStream();
$bufferStream->write(json_encode(['foo' => 'bar']));
$response = SaberGM::psr()
    ->withUri(new Uri(''))
    ->withQueryParams(['foo' => 'option is higher-level than uri'])
    ->withHeader('content-type', ContentType::JSON)
echo $response->getBody();

$websocket = SaberGM::websocket('ws://');
while (true) {
    echo $websocket->recv(1) . "\n";

co::set(['max_coroutine' => 8191]);
go(function () {
    $requests = [];
    for ($i = 6666; $i--;) {
        $requests[] = ['uri' => ''];
    $res = SaberGM::requests($requests);
    echo "use {$res->time}s\n";
    echo "success: $res->success_num, error: $res->error_num";
// on MacOS
// use 0.91531705856323s
// success: 6666, error: 0

echo SaberGM::list([
    'uri' => [

// max_co is the max number of concurrency request once, it's very useful to prevent server-waf limit.
$requests = array_fill(0, 10, ['uri' => '']);
echo SaberGM::requests($requests, ['max_co' => 5])->time."\n";
echo SaberGM::requests($requests, ['max_co' => 1])->time."\n";

$swoole = Saber::create([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'use_pool' => true

SaberGM::exceptionReport(0); // 关闭抛出异常报告, 在业务代码之前注册即可全局生效
$saber->exceptionReport(0);  //也可以单独设置某个实例

    'exception_report' => 0
    'use_pool' => true

    // your code with pool...
    saber_pool_release(); // and this script will exit

SaberGM::get('', [
    'before' => function (Saber\Request $request) {
        $uri = $request->getUri();
        echo "log: request $uri now...\n";
    'after' => function (Saber\Response $response) {
        if ($response->success) {
            echo "log: success!\n";
        } else {
            echo "log: failed\n";
        echo "use {$response->time}s";
// log: request now...
// log: success!
// use 0.52036285400391s

    'after' => [
        'interceptor_new' => function(){},
        'interceptor_old' => null

callable: function(){}
string: 'function_name'
string: 'ClassName::method_name'
array: [$object, 'method_name']

try {
    echo SaberGM::get('');
} catch (TooManyRedirectsException $e) {
    echo $e->getRedirectsTrace();
// int(302)
// string(28) "Too many redirects occurred!"
// bool(true)

// 启用所有异常但忽略重定向次数过多异常
    HttpExceptionMask::E_ALL ^ HttpExceptionMask::E_REDIRECT

SaberGM::exceptionHandle(function (\Exception $e) {
    echo get_class($e) . " is caught!";
    return true;
//output: Swlib\Http\Exception\TooManyRedirectsException is caught!

public static function psr(array $options = []): Swlib\Saber\Request
public static function wait(): Swlib\Saber
public static function request(array $options = [])
public static function get(string $uri, array $options = [])
public static function delete(string $uri, array $options = [])
public static function head(string $uri, array $options = [])
public static function options(string $uri, array $options = [])
public static function post(string $uri, $data = null, array $options = [])
public static function put(string $uri, $data = null, array $options = [])
public static function patch(string $uri, $data = null, array $options = [])
public static function download(string $uri, string $dir, int $offset, array $options = [])
public static function requests(array $requests, array $default_options = []): Swlib\Saber\ResponseMap
public static function list(array $options, array $default_options = []): Swlib\Saber\ResponseMap
public static function websocket(string $uri)
public static function default(?array $options = null): array
public static function exceptionReport(?int $level = null): int
public static function exceptionHandle(callable $handle): void

public static function create(array $options = []): self
public static function session(array $options = []): self
public static function websocket(string $uri): WebSocket
public function request(array $options)
public function get(string $uri, array $options = [])
public function delete(string $uri, array $options = [])
public function head(string $uri, array $options = [])
public function options(string $uri, array $options = [])
public function post(string $uri, $data = null, array $options = [])
public function put(string $uri, $data = null, array $options = [])
public function patch(string $uri, $data = null, array $options = [])
public function download(string $uri, string $dir, int $offset, array $options = [])
public function requests(array $requests, array $default_options = []): ResponseMap
public function list(array $options, array $default_options = []): ResponseMap
public function upgrade(?string $path = null): WebSocket
public function psr(array $options = []): Request
public function wait(): self
public function exceptionReport(?int $level = null): int
public function exceptionHandle(callable $handle): void
public static function getAliasMap(): array
public function setOptions(array $options = [], ?Swlib\Saber\Request $request = null): self
public static function getDefaultOptions(): array
public static function setDefaultOptions(array $options = [])

public function getExceptionReport(): int
public function setExceptionReport(int $level): self
public function isWaiting(): bool
public function getPool()
public function withPool($bool_or_max_size): self
public function tryToRevertClientToPool(bool $connect_failed = false)
public function getSSL(): int
public function withSSL(int $mode = 2): self
public function getCAFile(): string
public function withCAFile(string $ca_file = __DIR__ . '/cacert.pem'): self
public function getSSLCertFile(): string
public function withSSLCertFile(string $cert_file): self
public function getSSLKeyFile(): string
public function withSSLKeyFile(string $key_file): self
public function withSSLVerifyPeer(bool $verify_peer = false, ?string $ssl_host_name = ''): self
public function withSSLAllowSelfSigned(bool $allow = true): self
public function getSSLConf()
public function getKeepAlive()
public function withKeepAlive(bool $enable): self
public function withBasicAuth(?string $username = null, ?string $password = null): self
public function withXHR(bool $enable = true)
public function getProxy(): array
public function withProxy(string $host, int $port): self
public function withSocks5(string $host, int $port, ?string $username, ?string $password): self
public function withoutProxy(): self
public function getBindAddress(): ?string
public function withBindAddress(string $address): self
public function getBindPort(): ?int
public function withBindPort(int $port): self
public function getTimeout(): float
public function withTimeout(float $timeout): self
public function getRedirect(): int
public function getName()
public function withName($name): self
public function withRedirect(int $time): self
public function isInQueue(): bool
public function withInQueue(bool $enable): self
public function getRetryTime(): int
public function withRetryTime(int $time): self
public function withAutoIconv(bool $enable): self
public function withExpectCharset(string $source = 'auto', string $target = 'utf-8', bool $use_mb = false): self
public function withDownloadDir(string $dir): self
public function withDownloadOffset(int $offset): self
public function resetClient($client)
public function exec()
public function recv()
public function getRequestTarget(): string
public function withRequestTarget($requestTarget): self
public function getMethod(): string
public function withMethod($method): self
public function getUri(): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
public function withUri(?Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri, $preserveHost = false): self
public function getCookieParams(): array
public function getCookieParam(string $name): string
public function withCookieParam(string $name, ?string $value): self
public function withCookieParams(array $cookies): self
public function getQueryParam(string $name): string
public function getQueryParams(): array
public function withQueryParam(string $name, ?string $value): self
public function withQueryParams(array $query): self
public function getParsedBody(?string $name = null)
public function withParsedBody($data): self
public function getUploadedFile(string $name): Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface
public function getUploadedFiles(): array
public function withUploadedFile(string $name, ?Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile): self
public function withoutUploadedFile(string $name): self
public function withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles): self
public function __toString()
public function getProtocolVersion(): string
public function withProtocolVersion($version): self
public function hasHeader($name): bool
public function getHeader($name): array
public function getHeaderLine($name): string
public function getHeaders(bool $implode = false, bool $ucwords = false): array
public function getHeadersString(bool $ucwords = true): string
public function withHeader($raw_name, $value): self
public function withHeaders(array $headers): self
public function withAddedHeaders(array $headers): self
public function withAddedHeader($raw_name, $value): self
public function withoutHeader($name): self
public function getBody(): Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
public function withBody(?Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $body): self
public function getCookies()
public function setCookie(array $options): self
public function unsetCookie(string $name, string $path = '', string $domain = ''): self
public function withInterceptor(string $name, array $interceptor)
public function withAddedInterceptor(string $name, array $functions): self
public function withoutInterceptor(string $name): self
public function callInterceptor(string $name, $arguments)
public function getSpecialMark(string $name = 'default')
public function withSpecialMark($mark, string $name = 'default'): self

public function isSuccess(): bool
public function getUri(): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
public function getTime(): float
public function getRedirectHeaders(): array
public function getStatusCode()
public function withStatus($code, $reasonPhrase = '')
public function getReasonPhrase()
public function __toString()
public function getProtocolVersion(): string
public function withProtocolVersion($version): self
public function hasHeader($name): bool
public function getHeader($name): array
public function getHeaderLine($name): string
public function getHeaders(bool $implode = false, bool $ucwords = false): array
public function getHeadersString(bool $ucwords = true): string
public function withHeader($raw_name, $value): self
public function withHeaders(array $headers): self
public function withAddedHeaders(array $headers): self
public function withAddedHeader($raw_name, $value): self
public function withoutHeader($name): self
public function getBody(): Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
public function withBody(?Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $body): self
public function getCookies()
public function setCookie(array $options): self
public function unsetCookie(string $name, string $path = '', string $domain = ''): self
public function getSpecialMark(string $name = 'default')
public function withSpecialMark($mark, string $name = 'default'): self
public function getParsedJsonArray(bool $reParse = false): array
public function getParsedJsonObject(bool $reParse = false): object
public function getParsedQueryArray(bool $reParse = false): array
public function getParsedXmlArray(bool $reParse = false): array
public function getParsedXmlObject(bool $reParse = false): SimpleXMLElement
public function getParsedDomObject(bool $reParse = false): DOMDocument
public function getDataRegexMatch(string $regex, $group = null, int $fill_size)
public function getDataRegexMatches(string $regex, int $flag): array
public function isExistInData(string $needle, int $offset)

public function enqueue($request)
public function getMaxConcurrency(): int
public function withMaxConcurrency(int $num = -1): self
public function recv(): Swlib\Saber\ResponseMap
public function withInterceptor(string $name, array $interceptor)
public function withAddedInterceptor(string $name, array $functions): self
public function withoutInterceptor(string $name): self
public function callInterceptor(string $name, $arguments)

public $time = 0.0;
public $status_map = [];
public $success_map = [];
public $success_num = 0;
public $error_num = 0;
public function offsetSet($index, $response)
public function __toString()

public function withMock(bool $ssl): self
public function recv(float $timeout = -1)
public function push(string $data, int $opcode = 1, bool $finish = true): bool
public function close(): bool

public $finish = true;
public $opcode = null;
public $data = null;
public function getOpcodeDefinition()
public function getOpcode()
public function getData()
public function __toString()