PHP code example of sweikenb / dirty

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sweikenb/dirty library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sweikenb / dirty example snippets

$categoryId = 'category:123';
$categoryData = [
    'title' => 'My Category', 
    'tags' => ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz'],
    'createdAt' => '2024-07-10 15:31:00' 

$service = new \Sweikenb\Library\Dirty\Service\DirtyCheckService();

$result = $service->execute($categoryId, $categoryData);

if ($result->isDirty) {
    foreach ($result->diffs as $fieldPath => $diff) {
        echo sprintf("Field '%s' is dirty! '%s' -> '%s'\n", $fieldPath, $diff->previously, $diff->currently);

$userId = 'user:123';
$userData = [
    'username' => 'some-user' 
    'security' => [
        'password' => '...',
        'passwordSalt' => '...',
        'pgp-key' => '...'
    'meta' => [
        'source' => 'sso'
        'createdAt' => '2024-07-10 15:41:10'

$config = new \Sweikenb\Library\Dirty\Model\ConfigModel(ignoreFieldPath: [
    'security',         // will ignore the whole "security" subset 
    'meta.createdAt'    // will only ignore the "createdAt" field under "meta"

$service = new \Sweikenb\Library\Dirty\Service\DirtyCheckService();

$result = $service->execute($userId, $userData, $config);

if ($result->isDirty) {
    foreach ($result->diffs as $fieldPath => $diff) {
        echo sprintf("Field '%s' is dirty! '%s' -> '%s'\n", $fieldPath, $diff->previously, $diff->currently);

$userId = 'user:123';
$userData = [
    'username' => 'some-user' 
    'security' => [
        'password' => '...',
        'passwordSalt' => '...',
        'pgp-key' => '...',
    'meta' => [
        'source' => 'sso'
        'createdAt' => '2024-07-10 15:41:10'

$config = new \Sweikenb\Library\Dirty\Model\ConfigModel([
    'username',     // check the "username" field
    'meta',         // check the "meta" field with all containing sub-fields

$service = new \Sweikenb\Library\Dirty\Service\DirtyCheckService();

$result = $service->execute($userId, $userData, $config);

if ($result->isDirty) {
    foreach ($result->diffs as $fieldPath => $diff) {
        echo sprintf("Field '%s' is dirty! '%s' -> '%s'\n", $fieldPath, $diff->previously, $diff->currently);

$userId = 'user:123';
$userData = [
    'username' => 'some-user' 
    'security' => [
        'password' => '...',
        'passwordSalt' => '...',
        'pgp-key' => '...',
    'meta' => [
        'source' => 'sso'
        'createdAt' => '2024-07-10 15:41:10'

$config = new \Sweikenb\Library\Dirty\Model\ConfigModel(
        'username',        // check the "username" field
        'meta',            // check the "meta" field with all containing sub-fields
        'meta.createdAt',  // ignore the "createdAt" sub-field even tough "meta" was explicitly configured to be checked

$service = new \Sweikenb\Library\Dirty\Service\DirtyCheckService();

$result = $service->execute($userId, $userData, $config);

if ($result->isDirty) {
    foreach ($result->diffs as $fieldPath => $diff) {
        echo sprintf("Field '%s' is dirty! '%s' -> '%s'\n", $fieldPath, $diff->previously, $diff->currently);