PHP code example of sweetrdf / term-templates

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sweetrdf/term-templates library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sweetrdf / term-templates example snippets

$df = new quickRdf\DataFactory();

$literals = [
    $df::literal('Lorem ipsum', 'lat'),
    $df::literal('foo bar'),

// find all terms containing 'ipsum'
// true, true, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\ValueTemplate('ipsum', termTemplates\ValueTemplate::CONTAINS);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find all literals containing 'ipsum'
// true, false, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\LiteralTemplate('ipsum', termTemplates\ValueTemplate::CONTAINS);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find all named nodes containing 'ipsum'
// false, true, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\NamedNodeTemplate('ipsum', termTemplates\ValueTemplate::CONTAINS);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find all literals in latin
// true, false, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\LiteralTemplate(lang: 'lat');
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find all terms with string value lower than 'http'
// true, false, true
$tmplt = new termTemplates\LiteralTemplate('http', termTemplates\ValueTemplate::LOWER);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find all terms matching a 'Lorem|foo' regular expression
// true, false, true
$tmplt = new termTemplates\ValueTemplate('/Lorem|foo/', termTemplates\ValueTemplate::REGEX);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// ValueTemplate, NamedNodeTemplate and LiteralTemplate can be passed multiple values
// In such a case condition needs to be fulfilled on any value
// true, true, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\ValueTemplate(['Lorem ipsum', 'http://ipsum.dolor/sit#amet']);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

$df = new quickRdf\DataFactory();

$literals = [
    $df->literal(3, null, ''),
    $df->literal('2', null, ''),

// find terms with a value of 2
// true, false, false, true, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\NumericTemplate(2);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find terms with a value of 2 and enforce an RDF numeric type
// false, false, false, true, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\NumericTemplate(2, strict: true);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find terms with a value greate or equal than 3
// false, true, false, false, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\NumericTemplate(3, termTemplates\ValueTemplate::GREATER_EQUAL);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find all terms with numeric values
// true, true, false, true, false
$tmplt = new termTemplates\NumericTemplate(matchMode: termTemplates\ValueTemplate::ANY);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find all numeric terms with values not equal 2
// false, true, false, false, false
$tmplt  = new termTemplates\NumericTemplate(2, termTemplates\ValueTemplate::NOT_EQUALS);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

$literals = [
    $df->literal(3, null, ''),
    $df->literal('2', null, ''),

// find all terms which value is not equal 2 (also non-numeric and non-literal ones)
// false, true, true, false, true
$tmplt = new termTemplates\NumericTemplate(2);
$tmplt = new termTemplates\NotTemplate($tmplt);
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

// find all terms with numeric value of 2 and all named nodes
// true, false, false, true, true
$tmplt = new termTemplates\AnyOfTemplate([
    new termTemplates\NumericTemplate(2),
    new termTemplates\NamedNodeTemplate()
print_r(array_map(fn($x) => $tmplt->equals($x), $literals));

$df = new quickRdf\DataFactory();

// find all quads with a literal value containing 'foo'
$tmplt = new termTemplates\QuadTemplate(object: new termTemplates\LiteralTemplate('foo', termTemplates\ValueTemplate::CONTAINS));

// find all quads with a given subject within a given graph
$tmplt = new termTemplates\QuadTemplate(
    subject: 'http://desired/subject',
    graph: 'http://desired/graph'

// find all quads with a given predicate
$tmplt = new termTemplates\QuadTemplate(predicate: 'http://desired/predicate');
$tmplt = new termTemplates\PredicateTemplate('http://desired/predicate');

// both QuadTemplate and PredicateTemplate support negation, e.g.
// find all quads with subject different than 'http://unwanted/subject'
$tmplt = new termTemplates\QuadTemplate('http://desired/predicate', negate: true);