PHP code example of swe / softgarden-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download swe/softgarden-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


swe / softgarden-api example snippets

 * Get a catalogue value by type.
 * @param string $type The catalogue type.
 * @param string $typeId The id of the catalogue.
 * @return string Returns the result as string.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getCatalogByType(string $type, string $typeId): string;

 * Get a catalogue by type.
 * @param string $type The catalogue type
 * @return array Returns the result.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getCatalogue(string $type): array;

 * Get all channels.
 * @return Collection<Channel> A collection with all channels.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getChannels(): Collection;

 * Get a job by id.
 * @param string $channelId The channel id.
 * @param int $jobId The job id.
 * @return Job The job instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getJob(string $channelId, int $jobId): Job;

 * Get the job basket.
 * @param string $channelId The channel id.
 * @return JobSearchResult The JobSearchResult instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getJobBasket(string $channelId): JobSearchResult;

 * Get all job questions of a job.
 * @param int $jobId The job id.
 * @return Collection<JobQuestion> A collection with all questions of the job.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getJobQuestions(int $jobId): Collection;

 * Get all jobs of a channel.
 * @param string $channelId The channel id.
 * @return Collection<Job> A collection with all jobs of the channel.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getJobs(string $channelId): Collection;

 * @return bool
public function isUseAutomaticCatalogueCompletion(): bool;

 * @param bool $useAutomaticCatalogueCompletion
public function setUseAutomaticCatalogueCompletion(bool $useAutomaticCatalogueCompletion): void;

 * Search for a job in a channel.
 * @param string $channelId The channel id.
 * @param string $search OPTIONAL. The word we are searching for.
 * @param string $geoLocation OPTIONAL. The geolocation we are searching for.
 * @return JobSearchResult The JobSearchResult instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function searchForJob(string $channelId, string $search = '', string $geoLocation = ''): JobSearchResult;

 * Create a new applicant.
 * @param array $data The applicant data.
 * @return ApplicantData The ApplicantData instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function createApplicant(array $data): ApplicantData;

 * Check if an applicant exist.
 * @param array $data The applicant data.
 * @return bool Returns true if applicant exists.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function applicantExists(array $data): bool;

 * Get the user access token for an applicant.
 * @param ApplicantData $applicant The applicant instance.
 * @return string The user access token of the applicant.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getUserAccessToken(ApplicantData $applicant): string;

 * Check if applicant has already applied to a job.
 * @param string $jobId The job id where the applicant want to apply to.
 * @param string $uat The user access token of the applicant.
 * @return bool Returns true if the applicant has already applied to this job.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function hasApplied(string $jobId, string $uat): bool;

 * Get all applications of an applicant.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @param array $queryParameters OPTIONAL. The query parameters.
 * @return Collection<ApplicationData> Returns a collection of ApplicationData instances.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getAllApplications(string $uat, array $queryParameters = []): Collection;

 * Get an application of an applicant.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @return ApplicationData Returns an ApplicationData instance.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function getApplication(string $applicationId, string $uat): ApplicationData;

 * Start the application.
 * @param string $jobId The job id where the applicant want to apply to.
 * @param string $uat The user access token of the applicant.
 * @return string Returns the application id.
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function startApplication(string $jobId, string $uat): string;

 * Send application information.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @param array $applicationData The application data. See
 * @return void
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function sendApplicationInformation(string $applicationId, string $uat, array $applicationData): void;

 * Finalize the application.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token of the applicant.
 * @param array $applicationData The application information.
 * @return void
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function finalizeApplication(string $applicationId, string $uat, array $applicationData = []): void;

 * Delete an application if it's not finalized.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @return void
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function deleteApplication(string $applicationId, string $uat): void;

 * Withdraw a finalized (submitted) application.
 * @param string $applicationId The application id.
 * @param string $uat The user access token.
 * @return void
 * @throws GuzzleException
public function withdrawApplication(string $applicationId, string $uat): void;