PHP code example of survos / pixie-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download survos/pixie-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


survos / pixie-bundle example snippets

    #[AsEventListener(event: RowEvent::class)]
    public function onRowEvent(RowEvent $event): void
        static $mun = []; // the array of municipios
        $row = $event->row;
        switch ($event->type) {
            case $event::POST_LOAD:
                // save this to a new table or JSON file
            case $event::LOAD:
//           -> MuseoGuadalupePosada
                if ($facebook = $row['facebook']??null) {
                    $parseUrl = parse_url($facebook);
                    $row['facebook'] = trim($parseUrl['path'],'/');
                $mun[$row['municipio_id']] = $row['municipio'];

$pixie = new Pixie::Reader('school.pixie');
foreach ($pixie->)

// inject the service

$id = 'tt123';
$kv = $pixieService->getStorageBox('dummy.pixie', [
    'products' => 'sku,brand,category' // first key is text primary key by default

$kv->select('products'); // so that we don't have to pass it each time.

$kv->set($data); // because they key is in the data.
assert(json_decode($kv->get($id)) == $data);

$kv = $pixieService->getStorageBox('app.db', [
    'movies' => 'imdb_id, year|integer, category|string' // first key is text primary key by default

$rows = $kv->where("year < 2000 and category='drama'")->iterate();
// without the index
$rows = $kv->where("json_extract(value, '$.year') < 2000")->iterate();

   '/ConstituentID/' => 'id',
   '/BeginDate/' => 'birthYear',
   '/EndDate/' => 'deathYear'
], [

$kvDb = new StorageBox('translation.db', ['es', 'en'], 'en');
$key = md5('dog');
$kvDb->set($key, 'perro', 'es');
$kvDb->set($key, 'dog'); // defaults to en
$trans = $kvDb->get($key); // dog 
$trans = $kvDb->get($key, 'es'); // perro 
// trans is perro

// cache-like with callcack
$trans = $kvDb->get($key, callback: fn($item) => $this->translator->trans('dog'));

// keys are automatically slugified
$trans = $kvDb->get('My name is', fn($item) => $this->translator->trans($item->key));

// keys are automatically slugified
$trans = $kvDb->get('My name is',   ) => $this->translator->trans($item->key));

$kvDb = new MLSB('property.db', ['label','description']);

$key = 'Q31';
$kvDb->set($key, 'label', 'Belgium', 'en-gb');
$kvDb->set($key, 'description', 'constitutional monarchy in Western Europe', 'en-gb');

$transArray = $kvDb->getFieldsByLocale($key, 'en-gb'); 
// ['label' => 'Belgium'...]

$label = $kvDb->getField($key, 'label', 'en-gb'); 
// 'Belgium'

$transArray = $kvDb->getFields($key); 
// ['en-gb' => ['label' => 'Belgium', 'description'  => ...]]

// ditto for set, needs transactions