1. Go to this page and download the library: Download surt/granada library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
surt / granada example snippets
use Granada\Model;
class User extends Model {
public function posts() {
return $this->has_many('Post');
class Post extends Model {}
// select
$user = User::where('name', 'John')->find_one();
// modify
$user->first_name = 'Doe';
// select relationship
$posts = $user->posts()->find_many();
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo $post->content;
use Granada\ORM;
ORM::configure('username', 'database_user');
ORM::configure('password', 'top_secret');
foreach($results as $result){
echo $result->avatar->img;
foreach($result->posts as $post){
echo $post->title;
$results = User::find_many();
foreach($results as $result){
echo $result->avatar->img;
// chained relationships with dot notation
$results = User::with('posts.comments')->find_many();
// OR
// chained relationships use the "with" reserved word. (usefull if you want to pass arguments to the relationships)
$results = User::with(array('posts'=>array('with'=>array('comments'))))->find_many();
// SELECT * FROM user
// SELECT * FROM post WHERE user_id IN (....)
// SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id IN (....)
foreach($results as $result){
foreach($posts as $post){
echo $post->title;
foreach($post->comments as $comment){
echo $comment->subject;
// you can use arguments (one or more) to call the models relationships
$results = User::with(array('posts'=>array('arg1')))->find_many();
// will call the relationship defined in the user model with the argument "arg1"
use Granada\Model;
class ModelName extends Model {
public static function filter_aname($query, $argument1, $argument2...){
return $query->where('property', 'value')->limit('X')......;
ModelName::aname($argument1, $argument2)->....
// In the Model
protected function set_title($value)
$this->alias = Str::slug($value);
return $value;
// outside of the model
$content_instance->set('title', 'A title');
// works with multiple set too
$properties = array(
'title' => 'A title',
'content' => 'Some content'
// try it with a direct assignement
$content_instance->title = 'A title';
// In the Model
// Work on defined
protected function get_path($value)
return strtolower($value);
// and non-defined attributes.
protected function mising_testing()
return 'whatever';
// outside of the model
echo $content_instance->path; // returns the lowercase path value of $content_instance
echo $content_instance->testing; // returns 'whatever' since we defined a missing_{attribute_name}
// In the Model
public static $resultSetClass = 'TreeResultSet';
// outside of the model
// echoes
protected '_results' => array(...)
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