PHP code example of surshin / oauth-5-laravel-sho

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download surshin/oauth-5-laravel-sho library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


surshin / oauth-5-laravel-sho example snippets

'providers' => [
	// ...

'aliases' => [
	// ...
	'OAuth'     => Artdarek\OAuth\Facade\OAuth::class,

return [ 
	| oAuth Config

	 * Storage
	'storage' => 'Session', 

	 * Consumers
	'consumers' => [

		 * Facebook
		'Facebook' => [
		    'client_id'     => '',
		    'client_secret' => '',
		    'scope'         => [],



$fb = \OAuth::consumer('Facebook');

$fb = \OAuth::consumer('Facebook', '');

'Facebook' => [
    'client_id'     => 'Your Facebook client ID',
    'client_secret' => 'Your Facebook Client Secret',
    'scope'         => ['email','read_friendlists','user_online_presence'],

public function loginWithFacebook(Request $request)
	// get data from request
	$code = $request->get('code');
	// get fb service
	$fb = \OAuth::consumer('Facebook');
	// check if code is valid
	// if code is provided get user data and sign in
	if ( ! is_null($code))
		// This was a callback request from facebook, get the token
		$token = $fb->requestAccessToken($code);
		// Send a request with it
		$result = json_decode($fb->request('/me'), true);
		$message = 'Your unique facebook user id is: ' . $result['id'] . ' and your name is ' . $result['name'];
		echo $message. "<br/>";
		//display whole array.
	// if not ask for permission first
		// get fb authorization
		$url = $fb->getAuthorizationUri();
		// return to facebook login url
		return redirect((string)$url);

'Google' => [
    'client_id'     => 'Your Google client ID',
    'client_secret' => 'Your Google Client Secret',
    'scope'         => ['userinfo_email', 'userinfo_profile'],

public function loginWithGoogle(Request $request)
	// get data from request
	$code = $request->get('code');
	// get google service
	$googleService = \OAuth::consumer('Google');
	// check if code is valid
	// if code is provided get user data and sign in
	if ( ! is_null($code))
		// This was a callback request from google, get the token
		$token = $googleService->requestAccessToken($code);
		// Send a request with it
		$result = json_decode($googleService->request(''), true);
		$message = 'Your unique Google user id is: ' . $result['id'] . ' and your name is ' . $result['name'];
		echo $message. "<br/>";
		//display whole array.
	// if not ask for permission first
		// get googleService authorization
		$url = $googleService->getAuthorizationUri();
		// return to google login url
		return redirect((string)$url);

'Twitter' => [
    'client_id'     => 'Your Twitter client ID',
    'client_secret' => 'Your Twitter Client Secret',
    // No scope - oauth1 doesn't need scope

public function loginWithTwitter(Request $request)
	// get data from request
	$token  = $request->get('oauth_token');
	$verify = $request->get('oauth_verifier');
	// get twitter service
	$tw = \OAuth::consumer('Twitter');
	// check if code is valid
	// if code is provided get user data and sign in
	if ( ! is_null($token) && ! is_null($verify))
		// This was a callback request from twitter, get the token
		$token = $tw->requestAccessToken($token, $verify);
		// Send a request with it
		$result = json_decode($tw->request('account/verify_credentials.json'), true);
		$message = 'Your unique Twitter user id is: ' . $result['id'] . ' and your name is ' . $result['name'];
		echo $message. "<br/>";
		//display whole array.
	// if not ask for permission first
		// get request token
		$reqToken = $tw->requestRequestToken();
		// get Authorization Uri sending the request token
		$url = $tw->getAuthorizationUri(['oauth_token' => $reqToken->getRequestToken()]);

		// return to twitter login url
		return redirect((string)$url);

'Linkedin' => [
    'client_id'     => 'Your Linkedin API ID',
    'client_secret' => 'Your Linkedin API Secret',

 public function loginWithLinkedin(Request $request)
	// get data from request
	$code = $request->get('code');

	$linkedinService = \OAuth::consumer('Linkedin');

	if ( ! is_null($code))
		// This was a callback request from linkedin, get the token
		$token = $linkedinService->requestAccessToken($code);

		// Send a request with it. Please note that XML is the default format.
		$result = json_decode($linkedinService->request('/people/~?format=json'), true);

		// Show some of the resultant data
		echo 'Your linkedin first name is ' . $result['firstName'] . ' and your last name is ' . $result['lastName'];

		//display whole array.

	// if not ask for permission first
		// get linkedinService authorization
		$url = $linkedinService->getAuthorizationUri(['state'=>'DCEEFWF45453sdffef424']);

		// return to linkedin login url
		return redirect((string)$url);

'Yahoo' => [
	'client_id'     => 'Your Yahoo API KEY',
	'client_secret' => 'Your Yahoo API Secret',

public function loginWithYahoo(Request $request)
	// get data from request
    $token  = $request->get('oauth_token');
    $verify = $request->get('oauth_verifier');


    // get yahoo service
    $yh = \OAuth::consumer('Yahoo');

    // if code is provided get user data and sign in
    if ( ! is_null($token) && ! is_null($verify))
		// This was a callback request from yahoo, get the token
		$token = $yh->requestAccessToken($token, $verify);

		$xid = [$token->getExtraParams()];
		$result = json_decode($yh->request('' . $xid[0]['xoauth_yahoo_guid'] . '/profile?format=json'), true);

		//display whole array.
    // if not ask for permission first
        // get request token
        $reqToken = $yh->requestRequestToken();

        // get Authorization Uri sending the request token
        $url = $yh->getAuthorizationUri(['oauth_token' => $reqToken->getRequestToken()]);

        // return to yahoo login url
        return redirect((string)$url);


$ php artisan vendor:publish