PHP code example of surgiie / transformer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download surgiie/transformer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


surgiie / transformer example snippets

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Stringable;

// Example functions available at runtime:
function to_carbon($value)
    return new Carbon\Carbon($value);

function only_numbers($value)
    return preg_replace("/[^0-9]/",'',$value);

$input = [
  'first_name'=>'    jim    ',
  'last_name'=>'   thompson',
  'address'  => '123 some street',

$transformers = [
    // more on object values and method delegation below
    'address' => [Stringable::class, '->after:123 ', '->toString'],

$transformer = new DataTransformer($input, $transformers);

$newData = $transformer->transform();
// Returns:
// [
//     "first_name" => "Jim",
//     "last_name" => "Thompson",
//     "phone_number" => "1234567890",
//     "address"=> "some street",
//     "date_of_birth" => "05/01/91",
// ]

$transformers = [

$input = ['phone_number'=>'123-456-3235'];
$transformers = [
$transformer = new DataTransformer($input, $transformers);

$input = ['first_name'=>null];
$transformers = [
$transformer = new DataTransformer($input, $transformers);

$input = ['first_name'=>' Bob'];
$transformers = [
    'first_name'=>['trim', function ($value) {
        // modify the value
        return $value;
$transformer = new DataTransformer($input, $transformers);

use Surgiie\Transformer\DataTransformer;
use Surgiie\Transformer\Contracts\Transformable;

class TransformValue implements Transformable
    public function transform($value, Closure $exit)
        // quit transforming value(s)

        // or modify the value
        $value = "Changed";

        return $value;

$input = ['first_name' => ' Bob'];
$transformers = [
    'first_name' => ['trim', new TransformValue],
$transformer = new DataTransformer($input, $transformers);

$input = [
        'first_name'=>'    jim    ',
        'last_name'=>'   thompson',
        'address'=>'123 some lane.'
$transformers = [
    'contact_info.address'=>[function ($address) {
        return 'Address Is: '.$address;
$transformer = new DataTransformer($input, $transformers);

$input = [
    'first_name'=>'    jim    ',
    'last_name'=>'   thompson',
    'ignored'=>' i-will-be-the-same'
$transformers = [
    // apply to all keys that contain "name"
$transformer = new DataTransformer($input, $transformers);

use Closure;

// example available functions at runtime:
function to_carbon($value)
    return new Carbon\Carbon($value);

$input = [
$transformers = [

$input = [
$transformers = [
    'some_date'=>[Carbon\Carbon::class, '->addDay:1', '->format:m/d/y'],

use Surgiie\Transformer\DataTransformer;
use Surgiie\Transformer\Transformer;

// accepts the function name being executed and the key/name of the input being processed:
Transformer::guard(function($method, $key){
    // only "trim" is allowed to be executed
    return in_array($method, ['trim']);

$input = [
    'first_name'=>'    jim    ',
$transformers = [

$transformer = new DataTransformer($input, $transformers);

// throws a Surgiie\Transformer\Exceptions\ExecutionNotAllowedException once it gets to ucwords due to the guard method.

use Surgiie\Transformer\Transformer;

$transformer = new Transformer("   uncle bob   ", ['trim', 'ucwords']);

$transformer->transform(); // returns "Uncle Bob"

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Surgiie\Transformer\Concerns\UsesTransformer;

class ExampleController extends Controller
    use UsesTransfomer;

    public function store(Request $request)

        // transform a single value
        $newValue = $this->transform(" example  ", ['trim|ucwords']);
        // or transform an array of data
        $newData = $this->transformData(['example'=> 'data    '], ["example"=>'trim|ucwords']);

public function store(Request $request)
    // Using data from the request object (i.e. `$request->all()`)
    $transformedData = $request->transform([
        'first_name' => ['strtoupper'],

    // $transformedData['first_name'] will be all uppercase
    // all other data will be