PHP code example of surda / doctrine-queries

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download surda/doctrine-queries library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


surda / doctrine-queries example snippets

use Surda\Doctrine\Queries\QueryableRepository;

class UserRepository extends QueryableRepository
   // ...

use Doctrine\ORM;
use Surda\Doctrine\Queries\IQueryable;
use Surda\Doctrine\Queries\QueryObject;

class QuestionsQuery extends QueryObject
    /** @var array|\Closure[] */
    private $filter = [];

    /** @var array|\Closure[] */
    private $select = [];

    public function inCategory(Category $category = NULL)
        $this->filter[] = function (QueryBuilder $qb) use ($category) {
            $qb->andWhere('q.category = :category')->setParameter('category', $category->getId());
        return $this;
    public function byUser($user)
        if ($user instanceof Identity) {
            $user = $user->getUser();

        } elseif (!$user instanceof User) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException;

        $this->filter[] = function (QueryBuilder $qb) use ($user) {
            $qb->andWhere(' = :user')->setParameter('user', $user->getId());
        return $this;

    public function withLastPost()
        $this->select[] = function (ORM\QueryBuilder $qb) {
            $qb->addSelect('partial lp.{id, createdAt}, partial lpa.{id}, partial lpau.{id, name}')
                ->leftJoin('q.lastPost', 'lp', Join::WITH, 'lp.spam = FALSE AND lp.deleted = FALSE')
                ->leftJoin('', 'lpa')
                ->leftJoin('lpa.user', 'lpau');
        return $this;

    public function withCategory()
        $this->select[] = function (ORM\QueryBuilder $qb) {
            $qb->addSelect('c, pc')
                ->innerJoin('q.category', 'c')
                ->innerJoin('c.parent', 'pc');
        return $this;

    public function withAnswersCount()
        $this->select[] = function (ORM\QueryBuilder $qb) {
            $subCount = $qb->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder()
                ->select('COUNT(')->from(Answer::class, 'a')
                ->andWhere('a.spam = FALSE AND a.deleted = FALSE')
                ->andWhere('a.question = q');

            $qb->addSelect("($subCount) AS answers_count");
        return $this;

    public function sortByPinned($order = 'ASC')
        $this->select[] = function (ORM\QueryBuilder $qb) use ($order) {
            $qb->addSelect('FIELD(q.pinned, TRUE, FALSE) as HIDDEN isPinned');
            $qb->addOrderBy('isPinned', $order);
        return $this;

    public function sortByHasSolution($order = 'ASC')
        $this->select[] = function (ORM\QueryBuilder $qb) use ($order) {
            $qb->addSelect('FIELD(IsNull(q.solution), TRUE, FALSE) as HIDDEN hasSolution');
            $qb->addOrderBy('hasSolution', $order);
        return $this;

     * @param IQueryable $repository
     * @return ORM\QueryBuilder
    protected function doCreateQuery(IQueryable $repository)
        $qb = $this->createBasicDql($repository)
            ->addSelect('partial i.{id}, partial u.{id, name}');

        foreach ($this->select as $modifier) {

        return $qb->addOrderBy('q.createdAt', 'DESC');

     * @param IQueryable $repository
     * @return ORM\QueryBuilder
    protected function doCreateCountQuery(IQueryable $repository)
        return $this->createBasicDql($repository)->select('COUNT(');

     * @param IQueryable $repository
     * @return ORM\QueryBuilder
    private function createBasicDql(IQueryable $repository)
        $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder()
            ->select('q')->from(Question::class, 'q')
            ->andWhere('q.spam = FALSE AND q.deleted = FALSE')
            ->innerJoin('', 'i')
            ->innerJoin('i.user', 'u');

        foreach ($this->filter as $modifier) {

        return $qb;

$query = (new QuestionsQuery())

$result = $repository->fetch($query);

class Repository extends \Surda\Doctrine\Queries\EntityRepository
     * @return \Surda\Doctrine\Queries\ResultSet
    public function getResultSet(): \Surda\Doctrine\Queries\ResultSet
        $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('q')->addOrderBy('', 'DESC')->getQuery();

        return new \Surda\Doctrine\Queries\ResultSet($query);

$visualPaginator = $this['vp'];
$paginator = $visualPaginator->getPaginator();

$resultSet = $this->repository->getResultSet();

foreach ($resultSet as $entity) {
	// ...