PHP code example of supplycart / e-invoice

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download supplycart/e-invoice library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


supplycart / e-invoice example snippets

use Supplycart\EInvoice\EInvoiceClient;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;

$isProd = false;
$clientId = '5b75ce93-a6d1-4e02-943f-a24ffa1b46ec';
$clientSecret = 'e4d2fcc8-90a8-40cd-99be-08f3401fbb93';

$client = new EInvoiceClient(
    clientId: $clientId,
    clientSecret: $clientSecret,
    isProd: isProd


$accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();

//Alternative to store in cache and get it later
Cache::remember('some-key', $accessToken, 3600) // expires in 3600s (1hour)

// To reuse the cached accessToken

// same as login, just need to set $onBehalfOf which is the entity's TIN

$tin = 'C1234567890';
$idType = 'BRN';
$idValue = '1234567890';

$response = $client->validateTaxPayerTin(
    tin: $tin,
    idType: $idType,
    idValue: $idValue

$documentUuid = '5a282618-8ad0-4ad6-bc1d-7f2a326562cf';

$response = $client->getDocumentDetail($documentUuid);