PHP code example of sunkangchina / baidu-api-phpsdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sunkangchina/baidu-api-phpsdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sunkangchina / baidu-api-phpsdk example snippets

  ├── AipOcr.php                // OCR
  ├── AipNlp.php                // NLP
  ├── AipFace.php               // 人脸
  ├── AipContentCensor.php      // 内容审核
  ├── AipImageClassify.php      // 图像识别
  ├── AipImageSearch.php        // 图像搜索
  ├── AipKg.php                 // 知识图谱
  ├── AipSpeech.php             // 语音
  └── lib
      ├── AipHttpClient.php        //内部http请求类
      ├── AipBCEUtil.php           //内部工具类
      └── AipBase                  //Aip基类