PHP code example of sunanzhi / annotateddoc

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sunanzhi/annotateddoc library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sunanzhi / annotateddoc example snippets

use MorsTiin\AnnotatedDoc\Template;

// 单例配置获取
$config = Config::getInstance();
// 接口列表左边菜单宽度,可能有些接口命名很长,因此左边宽度做了可调整
$config->leftPadding = '300px';
// 文档标题啊
$config->title = 'API管理文档';
// 考虑到有些项目可能需要一些全局描述性,例如 状态码/请求的规则 等,这里的html文件跟当前文件同级即可
$config->docSpecificationUrl = '/doc/desc.html';
// 文档列表显示 方法名/显示方法描述
$config->switchMethod = true;
// 考虑到每个项目架构不同,因此 requestUrl 可能不一定是目录形式组成,所以提供一个回调函数进行 requestUrl 修改
// 具体实现请自行处理,这里只是展示 requestUrlCallBack 使用方式
$config->requestUrlCallback = function(string $requestUrl) {
    $urlArr = explode('/', $requestUrl);
    $res = '';
    foreach($urlArr as $v) {
        if(empty($v)) {
        if(strpos($v, 'Controller') !== false) {
            $v = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', "$1" . '-' . "$2", str_replace('Controller', '', $v)));
        } else if(strpos($v, 'action') !== false) {
            $v = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', "$1" . '-' . "$2", str_replace('action', '', $v)));

        $res .= '/'.$v;

    return $res;
// 模块信息配置 请根据自己要显示的文档路径文件填写,命名空间一定要填写正确
$config->moduleList = [
    ['path' => __DIR__.'/../../controllers/api', 'namespace' => 'app\\controllers\\api', 'name' => 'api'],
    ['path' => __DIR__.'/../../controllers/admin', 'namespace' => 'app\\controllers\\admin', 'name' => 'admin'],

echo (new Template())->show();

 * @param integer $userId 用户id
 * @param string $username 用户名
 * @param array $extra 拓展参数

 * @changeLog {"author": "[email protected]",  "time": "2020-03-09 11:16:00", "event":"更换文档注释"}

 * 我是示例标题,首行默认标题
 * 这是一段接口描述,如有则正常显示
 * @requestUrl 我是请求链接,可以不用填写
 * @post
 * @get
 * @rank
 * @table 我是表格标题
 * 表头 | 表头 
 * key1 | value1
 * key2 | value2
 * key3 | value3
 * key4 | value4
 * @param string $param 我是参数描述
 * @param string $param 我是参数描述
 * @resParam string $param 我是返回参数描述
 * @resParam string $param 我是返回参数描述
 * @resParam string $param 我是返回参数描述
 * @return array
 * @requestExample {
 *      "key1":"我是请求示例",
 *      "value1":"我是请求示例"
 *  }
 * @requestExample {
 *      "key2":"我是请求示例",
 *      "value2":"我是请求示例"
 *  }
 * @returnExample {
 *      "page": {
 *          "total": "4",
 *          "limit": "1",
 *          "current": "1",
 *          "lastPage": "4"
 *      },
 *      "items": [
 *          {
 *              "key1": "我是返回示例"
 *          },
 *          {
 *              "key2": "我是返回示例"
 *          }
 *      ]
 *  }
 * @returnExample {
 *      "page": {
 *          "total": "4",
 *          "limit": "1",
 *          "current": "1",
 *          "lastPage": "4"
 *      },
 *      "items": [
 *          {
 *              "key1": "我是返回示例"
 *          },
 *          {
 *              "key2": "我是返回示例"
 *          }
 *      ]
 *  }
 * @author sunanzhi <[email protected]>
 * @since 2020.2.16
 * @changeLog {"author": "[email protected]", "time": "2020.03.09 12:12:12", "event": "接口更换文档"}
 * @changeLog {"author": "[email protected]", "time": "2020.03.10 12:12:12", "event": "接口更换文档"}
 * @link
 * @link