PHP code example of sukarix / f3-access

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sukarix/f3-access library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


sukarix / f3-access example snippets

$access->policy('allow'); // allow access to all routes by default

$access->deny('/secured.htm'); // globally deny access to /secured.htm
$access->allow('/secured.htm','admin'); // allow "admin" to access /secured.htm

// globally deny access to any URI prefixed by /protected
// allow "admin" to access any URI prefixed by /protected

$access->authorize($somebody); // e.g: $somebody=$f3->get('SESSION.user')

$access->allow('/foo','tic,tac,toe'); // csv string
$access->allow('/foo',array('tic','tac','toe')); // array

  echo "$subject is denied access to $route";// $route is a method followed by a path

$access->allow('GET /path');
$access->allow('POST|PATCH|PUT|DELETE /path','admin');

// the following rules are equivalent:

if ($access->granted('/admin/part1',$somebody)) {
  // Access granted
} else {
  // Access denied



$access->allow('/part2');// rule #1
$access->deny('/part1/blog','zag');// rule #2
$access->allow('/part1','zig,zag');// rule #3

$access->allow('/part1','Dina');// rule #1
$access->deny('/part1','Dina');// rule #2
$access->allow('POST /part1','Dina,Misha');// rule #3
$access->deny('/part1','Dina');// rule #4


$f3->route('GET|POST @admin_user_edit: /admin/user/@id','Class->edit');
$f3->route('DELETE @admin_user_delete: /admin/user/@id','Class->delete');

// the following rules are equivalent:
$access->deny('GET|POST @admin_user_edit');
$access->deny('GET|POST /admin/user/@id');

$f3->route('GET /admin/user/@id','User->edit');
$f3->route('GET /admin/user/new','User->create');

$access->deny('/admin*','*');// deny access to all admin paths by default
$access->allow('/admin/user/@id','edit_role');// allow edit_role to access /admin/user/@id
$access->allow('/admin/user/new','create_role');// allow create_role to access /admin/user/new

$access->deny('/admin*','*');// deny access to all admin paths by default
$access->allow('/admin/user/@id','edit_role');// allow edit_role to access /admin/user/@id.
$access->deny('/admin/user/new','edit_role');// ... but not /admin/user/new
$access->allow('/admin/user/new','create_role');// allow create_role to access /admin/user/new

$access = Access::instance();

echo $access->policy();// 'deny'

$access->allow('/path'); // Grant "all" access to /path
$access->allow('/path',''); // idem
$access->allow('/path','*'); // idem
$access->allow('POST /foo','tip-top'); // Allow "tip-top" to POST /foo

$access->deny('/path'); // Deny "all" access to /path
$access->deny('/path',''); // idem
$access->deny('/path','*'); // idem
$access->deny('POST /foo','tip-top'); // Deny "tip-top" access to POST /foo

if ($access->granted('/admin/part1',$somebody)) {
  // Access granted
} else {
  // Access denied

$access->granted('/admin/part1',array('customer')); // FALSE
$access->granted('/admin/part1',array('customer','admin')); // TRUE

$access->authorize(); // authorize "any" subject
  echo "$subject is denied access to $route";// 'admin is denied access to GET /path'

$access->authorize(array('customer')); // unauthorized
$access->authorize(array('customer','admin')); // authorized
allow /admin = * ; login form
deny /admin/* = *
allow /admin/* = superuser
deny /*/edit = *
deny /*/create = *
allow /*/edit = superuser
allow /*/create = superuser
deny * /* = *
deny GET /* = *
allow POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE /* = superuser
ACCESS.policy = deny

allow / = * ; login form
allow /* = member