1. Go to this page and download the library: Download sudippalash/mediauploader library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
sudippalash / mediauploader example snippets
return [
| Base Directory
| base_dir stores all other directory inside storage folder of your laravel application by default
| if you specify any name. all storage will be done inside that directory or name that you specified
'base_dir' => null,
| Thumb Directory
| thumb_dir creates another folder inside the directory as a "thumb" by default
| you can change the name thumb to any other name you like.
'thumb_dir' => 'thumb',
| Timestamp Prefix
| If timestamp_prefix is true then create a file with a timestamp to ignore the same name image replacement. Example: image-1658562981.png.
| If timestamp_prefix is false then the script checks file exists or not if the file exists then add the time() prefix for the new file otherwise leave it as the file
| name.
'timestamp_prefix' => false,
| Thumb Image Height Width
| specify the thumb image ratio of height and weight by default it takes 300px X 300px
'image_thumb_height' => 300,
'image_thumb_width' => 300,
| Fake Image Url
| fake_image_url , if you specify a fake image path or url here. the entire package will use
| this image when there is no image found. or you can specify the fake image in the
| function parameter as well.
| Example: 'fake_image_url' => 'images/fake.png' or 'fake_image_url' => 'https://example.com/images/fake.png,
'fake_image_url' => null,
| Folder permission
| path_permission , if you create a folder in your project then you can define your folder permission.
| Example: null, 0755, 0777
'path_permission' => 0777,