PHP code example of stratify / framework

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stratify/framework library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stratify / framework example snippets

use Stratify\ErrorHandlerModule\ErrorHandlerMiddleware;
use Stratify\Framework\Application;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse;
use function Stratify\Framework\pipe;
use function Stratify\Framework\router;

    // The application's router
    // See for more details
        // Routes
        '/' => function () {
            return new HtmlResponse('Welcome!');
        '/about' => function () {
            return new HtmlResponse('More information about us');

// List of packages containing PHP-DI config to 

$modules = [

return [

    'twig.paths' => [
        // Configure the directory using the alias `app`
        // In this example views are stored in the `res/views/` directory
        // You can then use the `@app/...` notation to render or 

$http = pipe([
        // Routes
        '/' => function (Twig_Environment $twig) {
            return $twig->render('@app/home.twig');