PHP code example of stevenmaguire / uber-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stevenmaguire/uber-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stevenmaguire / uber-php example snippets

$client = new Stevenmaguire\Uber\Client(array(
    'access_token' => 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN',
    'server_token' => 'YOUR SERVER TOKEN',
    'use_sandbox'  => true, // optional, default false
    'version'      => 'v1.2', // optional, default 'v1.2'
    'locale'       => 'en_US', // optional, default 'en_US'

$products = $client->getProducts(array(
    'latitude' => '41.85582993',
    'longitude' => '-87.62730337'

$product = $client->getProduct($productId);

$estimates = $client->getPriceEstimates(array(
    'start_latitude' => '41.85582993',
    'start_longitude' => '-87.62730337',
    'end_latitude' => '41.87499492',
    'end_longitude' => '-87.67126465'

$estimates = $client->getTimeEstimates(array(
    'start_latitude' => '41.85582993',
    'start_longitude' => '-87.62730337'

$promotions = $client->getPromotions(array(
    'start_latitude' => '41.85582993',
    'start_longitude' => '-87.62730337',
    'end_latitude' => '41.87499492',
    'end_longitude' => '-87.67126465'

$client->setVersion('v1.2'); // or v1.1
$history = $client->getHistory(array(
    'limit' => 50, // optional
    'offset' => 0 // optional

$profile = $client->getProfile();

$attributes = array('applied_promotion_codes' => 'PROMO_CODE');
$profileResponse = $client->setProfile($attributes);

$paymentMethods = $client->getPaymentMethods();

$placeId = 'home';
$place = $client->getPlace($placeId);

$placeId = 'home';
$attributes = array('address' => '685 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA');
$place = $client->setPlace($placeId, $attributes);

$request = $client->requestRide(array(
    'start_latitude' => '41.85582993',
    'start_longitude' => '-87.62730337',
    'end_latitude' => '41.87499492',
    'end_longitude' => '-87.67126465',
    'product_id' => '4bfc6c57-98c0-424f-a72e-c1e2a1d49939', // Optional
    'surge_confirmation_id' => 'e100a670',                  // Optional
    'payment_method_id' => 'a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcd'   // Optional

try {
    $request = $client->requestRide(array(
        'product_id' => '4bfc6c57-98c0-424f-a72e-c1e2a1d49939',
        'start_latitude' => '41.85582993',
        'start_longitude' => '-87.62730337',
        'end_latitude' => '41.87499492',
        'end_longitude' => '-87.67126465'
} catch (Stevenmaguire\Uber\Exception $e) {
    $body = $e->getBody();
    $surgeConfirmationId = $body['meta']['surge_confirmation']['surge_confirmation_id'];

$request = $client->getCurrentRequest();

$request = $client->getRequest($requestId);

$requestDetails = array(
    'end_address' => '685 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA',
    'end_nickname' => 'da crib',
    'end_place_id' => 'home',
    'end_latitude' => '41.87499492',
    'end_longitude' => '-87.67126465'

$updateRequest = $client->setCurrentRequest($requestDetails);

$requestId = '4bfc6c57-98c0-424f-a72e-c1e2a1d49939'
$requestDetails = array(
    'end_address' => '685 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA',
    'end_nickname' => 'da crib',
    'end_place_id' => 'home',
    'end_latitude' => '41.87499492',
    'end_longitude' => '-87.67126465'

$updateRequest = $client->setRequest($requestId, $requestDetails);

$requestEstimate = $client->getRequestEstimate(array(
    'product_id' => '4bfc6c57-98c0-424f-a72e-c1e2a1d49939',
    'start_latitude' => '41.85582993',
    'start_longitude' => '-87.62730337',
    'end_latitude' => '41.87499492', // optional
    'end_longitude' => '-87.67126465', // optional

$map = $client->getRequestMap($requestId);

$receipt = $client->getRequestReceipt($requestId);

$request = $client->cancelCurrentRequest();

$request = $client->cancelRequest($requestId);

$attributes = array(
    'reminder_time' => '1429294463',
    'phone_number' => '555-555-5555',
    'event' => array(
        'time' => '1429294463',
        'name' => 'Frisbee with friends',
        'location' => 'Dolores Park',
        'latitude' => '37.759773',
        'longitude' => '-122.427063',
    'product_id' => 'a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcdd730040d',
    'trip_branding' => array(
        'link_text' => 'View team roster',
        'partner_deeplink' => 'partner://team/9383',
$reminder = $client->createReminder($attributes);

$reminderId = '4bfc6c57-98c0-424f-a72e-c1e2a1d49939';
$reminder = $client->getReminder($reminderId);

$reminderId = '4bfc6c57-98c0-424f-a72e-c1e2a1d49939';
$attributes = array(
    'reminder_time' => '1429294463',
    'phone_number' => '555-555-5555',
    'event' => array(
        'time' => '1429294463',
        'name' => 'Frisbee with friends',
        'location' => 'Dolores Park',
        'latitude' => '37.759773',
        'longitude' => '-122.427063',
    'product_id' => 'a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcdd730040d',
    'trip_branding' => array(
        'link_text' => 'View team roster',
        'partner_deeplink' => 'partner://team/9383',
$reminder = $client->setReminder($reminderId, $attributes);

$reminderId = '4bfc6c57-98c0-424f-a72e-c1e2a1d49939';
$reminder = $client->cancelReminder($reminderId);

$profile = $client->getDriverProfile();

$profile = $client->getDriverPayments(array(
    'limit' => 50, // optional
    'offset' => 0 // optional

$profile = $client->getDriverTrips(array(
    'limit' => 50, // optional
    'offset' => 0 // optional

$product = $client->getProduct($productId);

$rateLimit = $client->getRateLimit();

$rateLimit->getLimit();        // Rate limit capacity per period
$rateLimit->getRemaining();    // Requests remaining in current period
$rateLimit->getReset();        // Timestamp in UTC time when the next period will begin

$request = $client->requestRide(array(
    'product_id' => '4bfc6c57-98c0-424f-a72e-c1e2a1d49939',
    'start_latitude' => '41.85582993',
    'start_longitude' => '-87.62730337',
    'end_latitude' => '41.87499492',
    'end_longitude' => '-87.67126465'

$updateRequest = $client->setSandboxRequest($request->request_id, array('status' => 'accepted'));

$product = $client->getProduct($productId);

$updateProduct = $client->setSandboxProduct($productId, array('surge_multiplier' => 2.2, 'drivers_available' => false));
$ composer