1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stephenjude/providus-sdk library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
stephenjude / providus-sdk example snippets
return [
'id' => env('PROVIDUS_ID'),
'secret' => env('PROVIDUS_SECRET'),
'base_url' => env('PROVIDUS_BASE_URL', ''),
* Set SDK to demo mode. This mode makes use of the demo signature provided by Providus bank.
'demo_mode' => env('PROVIDUS_DEMO', false),
* Auth signature used for demo requests
'demo_signature' => 'BE09BEE831CF262226B426E39BD1092AF84DC63076D4174FAC78A2261F9A3D6E59744983B8326B69CDF2963FE314DFC89635CFA37A40596508DD6EAAB09402C7',
'webhook' => [
* This secret is used to verify that the payload has not been tampered with.
'signing_secret' => env('PROVIDUS_SECRET'),
* The name of the header containing the signature.
'signature_header_name' => 'X-Auth-Signature',
* This class will verify that the content of the signature header is valid.
* It should implement \Providus\Providus\SignatureValidator\SignatureValidator
'signature_validator' => \Providus\Providus\SignatureValidator\DefaultSignatureValidator::class,
* The classname of the controller to be used to process the webhook.
* This should be set to a class that extends \Providus\Providus\Http\Controllers\WebhookController::class
'controller' => \Providus\Providus\Http\Controllers\WebhookController::class,
* The route path that maps the webhook request to the webhook controller.
'path' => '/internals/webhook/providus/events',
$bank = new \Providus\Providus\Providus();
//Or use Facade
use \Providus\Providus\Facades\Providus;
* The classname of the controller to be used to process the webhook.
* This should be set to a class that extends \Providus\Providus\Http\Controllers\WebhookController::class
'controller' => App\Http\Controllers\ProvidusWebhookController::class,
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Providus\Providus\Http\Controllers\WebhookController;
class ProvidusWebhookController extends WebhookController
public function handle(Request $request)
if ($this->sessionHasDuplicate($request->input('sessionId'))) {
return $this->duplicateResponse($request);
// Webhook request is valid, so you can do your thing here.
return $this->successfulResponse($request);
public function sessionHasDuplicate(string $sessionId){
// Check if session ID has duplicate. A duplicate sessions is for transaction you have already processed previously.