PHP code example of stepanenko3 / nova-logs-tool

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stepanenko3/nova-logs-tool library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stepanenko3 / nova-logs-tool example snippets

// in app/Providers/NovaServiceProvder.php

// ...

public function tools()
    return [
        // ...
        new \Stepanenko3\LogsTool\LogsTool(),

// in app/Providers/NovaServiceProvder.php

// ...

public function tools()
    return [
        // ...
        // don't return plain `true` value or anyone can see/download/delete the logs, make sure to check if user has permission.
        (new \Stepanenko3\LogsTool\LogsTool())
                ->canSee(fn () => auth()->user()->canSee())
                ->canDownload(fn () =>   auth()->user()->canDownload())
                ->canDelete(fn () => true),

namespace App\Nova\Metrics;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Laravel\Nova\Metrics\MetricTableRow;
use Laravel\Nova\Metrics\Table;
use Stepanenko3\LaravelLogViewer\LogFile;

class LatestLogs extends Table
    private array $levels_classes = [
        'debug' => 'text-sky-500',
        'info' => 'text-sky-500',
        'notice' => 'text-sky-500',
        'warning' => 'text-yellow-500',
        'error' => 'text-red-500',
        'critical' => 'text-red-500',
        'alert' => 'text-red-500',
        'emergency' => 'text-red-500',
        'processed' => 'text-sky-500',

    private array $level_icons = [
        'alert' => 'bell',
        'critical' => 'shield-exclamation',
        'debug' => 'code',
        'emergency' => 'speakerphone',
        'error' => 'exclamation-circle',
        'info' => 'information-circle',
        'notice' => 'annotation',
        'warning' => 'exclamation',

    public function __construct(
        protected ?string $file = null,
        protected int $countLastRow = 3,
    ) {

    public function calculate()
        $logFile = LogFile::all()->first();

        $query = LogFile::get(
            selectedFileName: $this->file ?: $logFile->name,
            page: 1,
            perPage: $this->countLastRow,
            direction: LogFile::NEWEST_FIRST,

        foreach ($query['logs'] as $line) {
            $rows[] = MetricTableRow::make()

        return $rows;

(new LatestLogs('laravel.log', 3)),
// Or show logs from last modified file
(new LatestLogs(null, 5)),
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Stepanenko3\LogsTool\LogsToolServiceProvider"