PHP code example of stepanenko3 / nova-cards

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stepanenko3/nova-cards library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stepanenko3 / nova-cards example snippets

// in app/Nova/Dashborads/Cards.php

use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\GreetingCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\CountdownCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\EmbedCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\EnvironmentCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\HtmlCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\LinkableCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\PercentageCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\ScheduledJobsCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\SslCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\SystemResourcesCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\VersionsCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\WorldClockCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\WeatherCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\CalendarCard;

public function cards()
    $user = auth()->user();

    return [
                name: $user->name,
                title: 'Admin',
                text: 'Welcome back,',
                name: 'Profile',
                target: '/nova/resources/users/' . $user->id,
                name: 'Users',
                target: '/nova/resources/users',
                url: $user->avatar
                    ? storage_url($user->avatar, 'public')
                    :  '' . $user->name

        (new WeatherCard)
            ->pollingTime(60000) // Optional
            ->startPolling(), // Optional. Auto start polling

        (new CalendarCard),

        (new LinkableCard)
            ->title('Docs') // Required
            ->subtitle('subtitle') // Optional
            ->url('/') // Required
            ->target('_blank'), // Default: _self

        (new SystemResourcesCard),

        (new VersionsCard),

        (new ScheduledJobsCard)
            ->startPolling() // Optional. Auto start polling

        (new EnvironmentCard),

        (new SslCard)
            ->domain(''), // Required

        (new SslCard)
            ->domain(''), // Required

        (new HtmlCard)
            ->html('<h1>Hello World!</h1>'), // Required

        (new HtmlCard)
            ->markdown('# Hello World!'), // Required

        (new HtmlCard)
            ->view('cards.hello', ['name' => 'World']), // Required

        (new PercentageCard)
            ->name('Demo percents') // Optional
            ->label('$') // Optional
            ->count(33) // Required
            ->total(1000) // Required
            ->percentagePrecision(2), // Default: 2

        (new CountdownCard)
            ->to(now()->addDays(30)) // Required
            ->title('30 Days Later') // Optional
            ->label('30 Days Later'), // Optional

        (new WorldClockCard())
            ->timezones([ // Required
            ->title(__('World Clock')), // Optional

        // A most simple embed
        (new EmbedCard)
            ->url(''), // Required

        // A more complex embed of raw <iframe>...</iframe> HTML
        (new EmbedCard)
            ->withoutPadding() // Optional remove padding in card
            ->url(''), // Required