PHP code example of stenvdb / craft-fathom-analytics

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stenvdb/craft-fathom-analytics library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stenvdb / craft-fathom-analytics example snippets

return array(
    '*' => array(
        // The domain name where Fathom is hosted. This is also the URL where the tracker code is pointed to.
        'baseUri' => '$FATHOM_BASE_URI',

        // The tracking ID of this site. You can find the ID in your tracking code snippet, e.g.: ABCDE
        'trackingId' => '$FATHOM_TRACKING_ID',

        // You can also use multi-site config values, e.g.
        // 'trackingId' => [
        //     'default' => '$FATHOM_TRACKING_ID',
        //     '<...>' => '<...>'
        // ]

        'username' => '$FATHOM_USERNAME',

        'password' => '$FATHOM_PASSWORD',

        // Automatically inject a tracking script in your site
        'injectTracking' => false,
    'production' => [
        'injectTracking' => true,