PHP code example of stefan-ghivi / php-test

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stefan-ghivi/php-test library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stefan-ghivi / php-test example snippets



$api = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi();

// configuration
$api->Config->ClientId = 'your-client-id';
$api->Config->ClientPassword = 'your-client-password';
$api->Config->TemporaryFolder = '/some/path/';
//$api->Config->BaseUrl = '';//uncomment this to use the production environment

//uncomment any of the following to use a custom value (these are all entirely optional)
//$api->Config->CurlResponseTimeout = 20;//The cURL response timeout in seconds (its 30 by default)
//$api->Config->CurlConnectionTimeout = 60;//The cURL connection timeout in seconds (its 80 by default)
//$api->Config->CertificatesFilePath = ''; //Absolute path to file holding one or more certificates to verify the peer with (if empty, there won't be any verification of the peer's certificate)

// call some API methods...
try {
    $users = $api->Users->GetAll(); 
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) {
    // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails()
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) {
    // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage()

$api = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi();

// configuration
$api->Config->ClientId = 'your-client-id';
$api->Config->ClientPassword = 'your-client-password';
$api->Config->TemporaryFolder = '/some/path/';

// get some user by id
try {
    $john = $api->Users->Get($someId);
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) {
    // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails()
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) {
    // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage()

// change and update some of his data
$john->LastName .= " - CHANGED";
try {
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) {
    // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails()
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) {
    // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage()

// get all users (with pagination)
$pagination = new MangoPay\Pagination(1, 8); // get 1st page, 8 items per page
try {
    $users = $api->Users->GetAll($pagination);
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) {
    // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails()
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) {
    // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage()

// get his bank accounts
$pagination = new MangoPay\Pagination(2, 10); // get 2nd page, 10 items per page
try {
    $accounts = $api->Users->GetBankAccounts($john->Id, $pagination);
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) {
    // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails()
} catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) {
    // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage()

namespace Path\To\Service;

use MangoPay;

class MangoPayService

    private $mangoPayApi;

    public function __construct()
        $this->mangoPayApi = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi();
        $this->mangoPayApi->Config->ClientId = 'your-client-id';
        $this->mangoPayApi->Config->ClientPassword = 'your-client-password';
        $this->mangoPayApi->Config->TemporaryFolder = '/some/path/';    
        //$this->mangoPayApi->Config->BaseUrl = '';
     * Create Mangopay User
     * @return MangopPayUser $mangoUser
    public function getMangoUser()
        $mangoUser = new \MangoPay\UserNatural();
        $mangoUser->PersonType = "NATURAL";
        $mangoUser->FirstName = 'John';
        $mangoUser->LastName = 'Doe';
        $mangoUser->Birthday = 1409735187;
        $mangoUser->Nationality = "FR";
        $mangoUser->CountryOfResidence = "FR";
        $mangoUser->Email = '[email protected]';

        //Send the request
        $mangoUser = $this->mangoPayApi->Users->Create($mangoUser);

        return $mangoUser;

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;


$logger = new Logger('sample-logger');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($logConfig['path'], Logger::DEBUG));

$this->mangoPayApi = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi();