1. Go to this page and download the library: Download steevenz/ipaymu library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
steevenz / ipaymu example snippets
use Steevenz\Ipaymu;
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Inisiasi Class Ipaymu
* --------------------------------------------------------------
// Untuk menggunakan API Ipaymu Account saja.
$ipaymu = new Ipaymu();
// Untuk menggunakan API Ipaymu Account dan Webstore.
$ipaymu = new Ipaymu([
'apiKey' => 'API_KEY_ANDA',
// Konfigurasi Url diperlukan untuk melakukan transaksi ke ipaymu
'url' => [
'return' => 'http://www.domainanda.com/terimakasih.html'
'notify' => ' http://www.domainanda.com/notify-ipaymu.php'
'cancel' => 'http://www.domainanda.com/batal.html'
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Mendapatkan informasi akun Ipaymu
* @return array
* --------------------------------------------------------------
$account = $ipaymu->getAccount();
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Cek Saldo Akun
* Untuk mengecek jumlah saldo terakhir Anda.
* @return int
* --------------------------------------------------------------
$balance = $ipaymu->checkAccountBalance();
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Cek Status Akun
* Untuk mengecek status akun iPaymu.
* @return string
* --------------------------------------------------------------
$status = $ipaymu->checkAccountStatus();
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Cek Transaksi
* @param string $trxId Kode Unik Transaksi.
* @return array|bool Returns FALSE if failed.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
$transaction = $ipaymu->checkTransaction('IDX-1234567890');
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Melakukan transaksi pembayaran dengan single produk
* @return array|bool Returns FALSE if failed or returns array contains
* Ipaymu transaction Url.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
'id' => 'INV-1234567890',
'product' => [
'name' => 'Shoes'
'price' => 10000,
'quantity' => 1,
'description' => 'Amazing Shoes'
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Melakukan transaksi pembayaran PayPal dengan single produk
* @return array|bool Returns FALSE if failed or returns array contains
* Ipaymu transaction Url.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
'id' => 'INV-1234567890',
'product' => [
'name' => 'Shoes'
'price' => 10000,
'price_usd' => 1, // Wajib menyertakan harga dalam kurs USD
'quantity' => 1,
'description' => 'Amazing Shoes'
], '[email protected]');
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Melakukan transaksi pembayaran dengan multi produk
* @return array|bool Returns FALSE if failed or returns array contains
* Ipaymu transaction Url.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
'id' => 'INV-1234567890',
'products' => [
'name' => 'Shoes',
'price' => 10000,
'quantity' => 1,
'description' => 'Amazing Shoes'
'name' => 'Bag',
'price' => 5000,
'quantity' => 2,
'description' => 'Amazing Bag'
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Melakukan transaksi pembayaran PayPal dengan multi produk
* @return array|bool Returns FALSE if failed or returns array contains
* Ipaymu transaction Url.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
'id' => 'INV-1234567890',
'products' => [
'name' => 'Shoes',
'price' => 10000,
'price_usd' => 1, // Wajib menyertakan harga dalam kurs USD
'quantity' => 1,
'description' => 'Amazing Shoes'
'name' => 'Bag',
'price' => 5000,
'price_usd' => 1, // Wajib menyertakan harga dalam kurs USD
'quantity' => 2,
'description' => 'Amazing Bag'
], '[email protected]');
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Mendapatkan original response object.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
$response = $ipaymu->getResponse();
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Mendapatkan informasi error.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
$errors = $ipaymu->getErrors();
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