PHP code example of steelze / google-one-tap

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download steelze/google-one-tap library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


steelze / google-one-tap example snippets

return [

    | Google Client ID
    | This value is your Google app's client ID, which is found
    | and created in the Google Developers Console.

    'client_id' => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),

    | Enable Google One Tap
    | This determines whether to display One tap or not. The default value is
    | true. Google One tap will not be displayed when this value is false

    'enable' => (bool) env('ENABLE_GOOGLE_ONE_TAP', true),

    | Login URI
    | This specifies the the URI of your login endpoint. The ID token credential
    | response is posted to this endpoint when no callback function is defined
    | and a user clicks on the One Tap buttons, or automatic sign takes place.

    'login_uri' => '',

    | Cancel on Outside Click
    | This attribute sets whether or not to cancel the One Tap request if the
    | user clicks outside of the prompt. The default value is true. To disable it,
    | set the value to false.

    'cancel_on_tap_outside' => false,

    | Context
    | Changes the text of the title and messages shown in the One Tap prompt
    | Supported: "use", "signin", "signup"

    'context' => 'use',

    | itp_support
    | This field determines if the upgraded One Tap UX should be enabled on
    | browsers that support Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP).
    | The default value is false. See the following for further
    | information:

    'itp_support' => false,

    | Custom Attributes
    | Custom data attributes, which are sent to your login endpoint with the
    | ID token retrieved from Google.
    'custom' => [


// config/google-one-tap.php
| Login URI
| This specifies the the URI of your login endpoint. The ID token credential
| response is posted to this endpoint when no callback function is defined
| and a user clicks on the One Tap buttons, or automatic sign takes place.

'login_uri' => '',
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=google-one-tap