PHP code example of steelants / datatable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download steelants/datatable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


steelants / datatable example snippets

namespace App\Livewire;

use App\Models\User;
use SteelAnts\DataTable\Livewire\DataTableComponent;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use SteelAnts\DataTable\Traits\UseDatabase;

class UserTable extends DataTableComponent
    Use UseDatabase;
    // Get model query
    public function query(): Builder
        return User::query();

    // Set headers
    public function headers(): array
        return [    
            'id' => 'ID',
            'name' => 'Name',
            'email' => 'E-mail',

    // Set actions
    public function actions($item) : array
        return [
                // livewire action
                'type' => "livewire",
                'action' => "remove",
                'parameters' => $item['id'],
                'text' => "Remove",
                'actionClass' => 'text-danger',
                'iconClass' => 'fas fa-trash',
                'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?',
                // url action
                'type' => "url",
                'url' => rounte('', [id => $item['id']]),
                'text' => "Show",
                'iconClass' => 'fas fa-eye',

    // Custom render of 'name' column
    public function renderColumnName($value, $row){
        return '<b>'.e($value).'</b>';

    // Livewire actions
    public function remove($id){

    // instead of method query() implement dataset() 
    public function dataset(): array
        return [
                'id' => '1',
                'name' => 'Name 1',
                'email' => 'E-mail 1',
                'id' => '2',
                'name' => 'Name 2',
                'email' => 'E-mail 2',
            // ...


// Enable sorting
public bool $sortable = true;

// Enable pagination
public bool $paginated = true;

// Enable fulltext search
public bool $searchable = true;
public bool $searchableColumns = [];

//Enable filters
public bool $filterable = true;

return [
// Transformace whole row on input (optional)
// Returns associative array 
public function row(Model $row) : array
    return [
        'id' => $row->id,

// Transform one column on input (optional)
public function columnFoo(mixed $column) : mixed
    return $column;

// Transform whole row on output (optional)
// !!! NOTE: values are rendered with {!! !!}, manually escape values
public function renderRow(array $row) : array
    return [
        'id' => e($row['id'])

// Transform one column on output (optional)
// !!! NOTE: values are rendered with {!! !!}, manually escape values
public function renderColumnFoo(mixed $value, array $row) : string
    return e($value);
    //Add filters to header for specific columns
    public function headerFilters(): array
        return [
            'column1Key' => ['type' => 'text'], //input type
            'column2Key' => ['type' => 'select', 'values' => ['value' => 'name', 'value2' => 'name2']], //this for select
            'column3Key' => ['type' => 'date'], //double input type (date,time,datetime-local)

    //Add actions to header filters edit
    public function updatedHeaderfilter(){
            'headerFilter.column1Key' => 'nullable|string',
            'headerFilter.column2Key' => 'nullable|string',
            'headerFilter.column3Key.*' => 'nullable|date', //have two parameters "from" and "to"