PHP code example of stechstudio / slack-laravel-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stechstudio/slack-laravel-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stechstudio / slack-laravel-api example snippets

| Slack Webhook Routes
| Here is where you can register Slack routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| is assigned the "slack" middleware group. Enjoy building your API!

Route::middleware('slack')->match(['get', 'post'], '/slack/api', 'STS\Slack\Http\Controllers\Slack@webhook');

use STS\Slack\Facades\SlackRoute;
use STS\Slack\SlashCommands\Echoes;

| Slack Command Routes
| Here is where you can register Slack commands for your application.
SlackRoute::handles('/hello', function (SlashCommand $slashCommand) {
    return 'Hello World';

SlackRoute::handles('/echo', Echoes::class);


namespace STS\Slack\SlashCommands;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use STS\Slack\Contracts\Messaging\Message as SlackMessage;
use STS\Slack\Contracts\SlashCommands\ControllerI;
use STS\Slack\Messaging\LayoutBlocks\Context;
use STS\Slack\Messaging\LayoutBlocks\Section;
use STS\Slack\Messaging\Message;
use STS\Slack\Models\SlashCommand;
use function json_encode;

class Echoes implements ControllerI

    public function handle(SlashCommand $slashCommand): SlackMessage
        return $slashCommand->createMessage('*Echo:*  ' . $slashCommand->getText())
                'Echo Hacker'
            ->addSection('*Slack Parameters* ', function(Section $section) use($slashCommand) {
                    ->addText("*Team ID*: {$slashCommand->getTeamId()}")
                    ->addText("*Team Domain*: {$slashCommand->getTeamDomain()}")
                    ->addText("*Channel ID*: {$slashCommand->getChannelId()}")
                    ->addText("*Channel Name*: {$slashCommand->getChannelName()}")
                    ->addText("*User ID*: {$slashCommand->getUserId()}")
                    ->addText("*User Name*: {$slashCommand->getUserName()}")
                    ->addText("*Command*: {$slashCommand->getCommand()}");
            ->addSection("*Your Text*\n{$slashCommand->getText()}")
            ->addContext(function(Context $context) {
                        'The Commander Logo'
                    ->addText('slack-laravel-api echo handler');
            ->tap(function(Message $message) {