PHP code example of stechstudio / backoff

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stechstudio/backoff library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stechstudio / backoff example snippets

$result = backoff(function() {
    return doSomeWorkThatMightFail();

$backoff = new Backoff(10, 'exponential', 10000, true);
$result = $backoff->run(function() {
    return doSomeWorkThatMightFail();

// Assuming a fresh instance of $backoff was handed to you
$result = $backoff
    ->run(function() {
        return doSomeWorkThatMightFail();

Backoff::$defaultMaxAttempts = 10;
Backoff::$defaultStrategy = 'exponential';
Backoff::$defaultJitterEnabled = true;

$strategy = new ConstantStrategy(500);

$strategy = new LinearStrategy(200);

$strategy = new PolynomialStrategy(100, 3);

$strategy = new ExponentialStrategy(100);

backoff(function() {
}, 10, 'constant');

// OR

$backoff = new Backoff(10, 'constant');

backoff(function() {
}, 10, new LinearStrategy(500));

// OR

$backoff = new Backoff(10, new LinearStrategy(500));

backoff(function() {
}, 10, 1000);

// OR

$backoff = new Backoff(10, 1000);

backoff(function() {
}, 10, function($attempt) {
    return (100 * $attempt) + 5000;

// OR

$backoff = new Backoff(10);
$backoff->setStrategy(function($attempt) {
    return (100 * $attempt) + 5000;

$backoff->setDecider(function($attempt, $maxAttempts, $result, $exception = null) {
    return someCustomLogic();

$backoff->setErrorHandler(function($exception, $attempt, $maxAttempts) {
    Log::error("On run $attempt we hit a problem: " . $exception->getMessage());