PHP code example of stcer / aint-queue

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stcer/aint-queue library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stcer / aint-queue example snippets

use Littlesqx\AintQueue\Driver\Redis\Queue as RedisQueue;
use Littlesqx\AintQueue\Logger\DefaultLogger;

return [
    // channel_name => [...config]
    'default' => [
        'driver' => [
            'class' => RedisQueue::class,
            'connection' => [
                'host' => '',
                'port' => 6379,
                'database' => '0',
                // 'password' => 'password',
        'logger' => [
            'class' => DefaultLogger::class,
            'options' => [
                'level' => \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG,
        'pid_path' => '/var/run/aint-queue',
        'consumer' => [
            'sleep_seconds' => 1,
            'memory_limit' => 96,
            'dynamic_mode' => true,
            'capacity' => 6,
            'flex_interval' => 5 * 60,
            'min_worker_number' => 5,
            'max_worker_number' => 30,
            'max_handle_number' => 0,
        'job_snapshot' => [
            'interval' => 5 * 60,
            'handler' => [],

use Littlesqx\AintQueue\Driver\DriverFactory;

$queue = DriverFactory::make($channel, $options);

// push a job
$queue->push(function () {
    echo "Hello aint-queue\n";

// push a delay job
$closureJob = function () {
    echo "Hello aint-queue delayed\n";
$queue->push($closureJob, 5);

// And class job are allowed.
// 1. Create a class which implements JobInterface, you can see the example in `/example`.
// 2. Noted that job pushed should be un-serialize by queue-listener,
//    it means queue-pusher and queue-listener are