PHP code example of statikbe / laravel-puppeteer-pdf-converter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download statikbe/laravel-puppeteer-pdf-converter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


statikbe / laravel-puppeteer-pdf-converter example snippets

return [
     * The URL to the AWS Lambda API to convert HTML to PDF with Puppeteer.
    'pdf_conversion_api' => env('PDF_CONVERSION_API'),

     * If the url is generated from a route name, a signed URL is created with a time-to-live (TTL). This is useful
     * when sensitive data is available on the URL, so it can only be accessed from a signed url.
     * Note: you need to check if the signature is valid in the controller of the route.
    'temporary_signed_route_ttl' => 10,     // in minutes

     * If you develop with this library locally, you can setup NGROK or some other tunneling service to make your local
     * computer publicly avaialable for the PDF service, so you can test the PDF conversion while developing.
    'ngrok_app_url' => env('NGROK_APP_URL'),

     * The paper width of the PDF (defaults to A4) (see Puppeteer docs for details,
    'pdf_width' => null,

     * The paper height of the PDF (defaults to A4) (see Puppeteer docs for details,
    'pdf_height' => null,

     * The scale of the web page rendering, allows to zoom in or out of the page (defaults to 1, must be between 0.1 and 2)
    'pdf_scale' => 1,

     * The paper top margin (provide units in "px" or "cm", e.g. "40px")
    'paper_margin_top' => null,

     * The paper bottom margin (provide units in "px" or "cm", e.g. "40px")
    'paper_margin_bottom' => null,

     * The paper left margin (provide units in "px" or "cm", e.g. "40px")
    'paper_margin_left' => null,

     * The paper right margin (provide units in "px" or "cm", e.g. "40px")
    'paper_margin_right' => null,

//set options and get pdf from conversion API
try {
    $pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();
        ->setPageMargins(new PdfPageMargin(40, PdfPageMargin::MARGIN_IN_PIXELS));
    $pdfUrl = PuppeteerPdfConverter::convertRoute('report_index', ['organisation' => $organisation], 'report.pdf', $pdfOptions);
    return redirect($pdfUrl);
catch(PdfApiException $exception){
    Log::error(sprintf('PDF report could not be created: %s (for organisation: %s)', $exception->getMessage(), $organisation));
    return view('pdf_error', ['error' => $exception->getMessage()]);

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="puppeteer-pdf-converter-config"