PHP code example of stasa87 / auto-mapper-plus

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download stasa87/auto-mapper-plus library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


stasa87 / auto-mapper-plus example snippets

class Employee
    private $id;
    private $firstName;
    private $lastName;
    private $birthYear;
    public function __construct($id, $firstName, $lastName, $birthYear)
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->firstName = $firstName;
        $this->lastName = $lastName;
        $this->birthYear = $birthYear;

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    // And so on...

class EmployeeDto
    // While the properties are public for this example, we can map to private
    // or protected properties just the same.
    public $firstName;
    public $lastName;
    public $age;

use AutoMapperPlus\Configuration\AutoMapperConfig;
use AutoMapperPlus\AutoMapper;

$config = new AutoMapperConfig();

// Simply registering the mapping is enough to convert properties with the same
// name. Custom actions can be registered for each individual property.
    ->registerMapping(Employee::class, EmployeeDto::class)
    ->forMember('age', function (Employee $source) {
        return date('Y') - $source->getBirthYear();
    ->reverseMap(); // Register the reverse mapping as well.
$mapper = new AutoMapper($config);

// With this configuration we can start converting our objects.
$john = new Employee(10, "John", "Doe", 1980);
$dto = $mapper->map($john, EmployeeDto::class);

echo $dto->firstName; // => "John"
echo $dto->lastName; // => "Doe"
echo $dto->age; // => 37

use AutoMapperPlus\Configuration\AutoMapperConfig;
use AutoMapperPlus\AutoMapper;

$config = new AutoMapperConfig();
$config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class);
$mapper = new AutoMapper($config);

$mapper = AutoMapper::initialize(function (AutoMapperConfig $config) {
    $config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class);
    $config->registerMapping(AnotherSource::class, Destination::class);
    // ...

$john = new Employee("John", "Doe", 1980);

// Map the source object to a new instance of the destination class.
$mapper->map($john, EmployeeDto::class);

// Mapping to an existing object is possible as well.
$mapper->mapToObject($john, new EmployeeDto());

// Map a collection using mapMultiple
$mapper->mapMultiple($employees, EmployeeDto::class);

$config->registerMapping(Employee::class, EmployeeDto::class);

$config->registerMapping(Employee::class, EmployeeDto::class)
    ->forMember('fullName', function (Employee $source) {
        return $source->getFirstName() . ' ' . $source->getLastName();

$getName = function() { return 'John'; };

$mapping->forMember('name', $getName);
// The above is a shortcut for the following:
$mapping->forMember('name', Operation::mapFrom($getName));
// Which in turn is equivalent to:
$mapping->forMember('name', new MapFrom($getName));

// Other examples:
// Ignore this property.
$mapping->forMember('id', Operation::ignore());
// Map this property to the given class.
$mapping->forMember('employee', Operation::mapTo(EmployeeDto::class));
// Explicitly state what the property name is of the source object.
$mapping->forMember('name', Operation::fromProperty('unconventially_named_property'));
// The `FromProperty` operation can be chained with `MapTo`, allowing a
// differently named property to be mapped to a class.

$getColorPalette = function(SimpleXMLElement $XMLElement, AutoMapperInterface $mapper) { 
    /** @var SimpleXMLElement $palette */
    $palette = $XMLElement->xpath('/product/specification/palette/colour');

    return $mapper->mapMultiple($palette, Color::class);

$mapping->forMember('palette', Operation::mapFromWithMapper($getColorPalette));

// Or another Example using inline function
$mapping->forMember('palette', new MapFromWithMapper(function(SimpleXMLElement $XMLElement, AutoMapperInterface $mapper) { 
    /** @var SimpleXMLElement $palette */
    $palette = $XMLElement->xpath('/product/specification/palette/colour');

    return $mapper->mapMultiple($palette, Color::class);

$config->createMapping(Child::class, ChildDto::class);
$config->createMapping(Parent::class, ParentDto::class)
    ->forMember('child', Operation::mapTo(ChildDto::class));

$config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class)
    ->beConstructedUsing(function (Source $source): Destination {
        return new Destination($source->getProperty());

// Either set it in the options:
$mapper = new AutoMapper($config);

// Or set it on the mapping directly:
$config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class)->skipConstructor();

// reverseMap() returns the new mapping, allowing to continue configuring the
// new mapping.
$config->registerMapping(Employee::class, EmployeeDto::class)
    ->forMember('id', Operation::ignore());

$config->hasMappingFor(Employee::class, EmployeeDto::class); // => True
$config->hasMappingFor(EmployeeDto::class, Employee::class); // => True

// Source class properties:         Destination class properties:
// - 'some_property',               - 'some_property'
// - 'some_alternative_property'    - 'some_other_property'
// - 'the_last_property'            - 'the_last_property'
$config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class)
    ->forMember('some_property', Operation::ignore())
    ->forMember('some_other_property', Operation::fromProperty('some_alternative_property'))

// When mapping from Source to Destination, the following will happen:
// - some_property gets ignored
// - some_other_property gets mapped by using the value form some_alternative_property
// - the_last_property gets mapped because the names are equal.
// Now, when we go in the reverse direction things are different:
// - some_property gets mapped, because Ignore is not reversible
// - some_alternative_property gets mapped because FromProperty is reversible
// - the_last_property gets mapped as well

$detailMapping = $config->registerMapping(Employee::class, EmployeeDetailView::class)
    // Define operations and options ...
    ->forMember('age', function () {
        return 20;

// You can copy a mapping by passing source and destination class. This will
// search the config for the relevant mapping.
$listMapping = $config->registerMapping(Employee::class, EmployeeListView::class)
    ->copyFrom(Employee::class, EmployeeDetailView::class)
    // Alternatively, copy a mapping by passing it directly.
    // ->copyFromMapping($detailMapping)
    // You can now go ahead and define new operations, or override existing
    // ones.
    ->forMember('name', Operation::ignore())

use AutoMapperPlus\NameConverter\NamingConvention\CamelCaseNamingConvention;
use AutoMapperPlus\NameConverter\NamingConvention\SnakeCaseNamingConvention;

$config->registerMapping(CamelCaseSource::class, SnakeCaseDestination::class)
        new CamelCaseNamingConvention(), // The naming convention of the source class.
        new SnakeCaseNamingConvention() // The naming convention of the destination class.

$source = new CamelCaseSource();
$source->propertyName = 'camel';

$result = $mapper->map($source, SnakeCaseDestination::class);
echo $result->property_name; // => "camel"

$config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class)
    ->forMember('id', Operation::fromProperty('identifier'));

class Uppercase
    public $IMAPROPERTY;

class Lowercase
    public $imaproperty;

$uppercaseResolver = new CallbackNameResolver(function ($targetProperty) {
    return strtolower($targetProperty);

$config->registerMapping(Uppercase::class; Lowercase::class)

$uc = new Uppercase();
$uc->IMAPROPERTY = 'value';

$lc = $mapper->map($uc, Lowercase::class);
echo $lc->imaproperty; // => "value"

$config = new AutoMapperConfig();

$defaultMapping = $config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class);
$overriddenMapping = $config->registerMapping(AnotherSource::class, Destination::class)
    ->withDefaultOperation(new DefaultMappingOperation());

$defaultMapping->getOptions()->getDefaultMappingOperation(); // => Ignore
$overriddenMapping->getOptions()->getDefaultMappingOperation(); // => DefaultMappingOperation

$config = new AutoMapperConfig();

// This will set the options for this specific mapping.
$config = new AutoMapperConfig(function (Options $options) {
    // ...

$config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class)

$config->registerMapping(Source::class, Destination::class)
    ->setDefaults(function (Options $options) {
        // ...

// Register the mapping.
$config->registerMapping(\stdClass::class, Employee::class);
$mapper = new AutoMapper($config);

$employee = new \stdClass();
$employee->firstName = 'John';
$employee->lastName = 'Doe';

$result = $mapper->map($employee, Employee::class);
echo $result->firstName; // => "John"
echo $result->lastName; // => "Doe"

// Operations can still be registered.
$config->registerMapping(Employee::class, \stdClass::class)
    ->forMember('id', Operation::ignore());
$mapper = new AutoMapper($config);

$employee = new Employee(5, 'John', 'Doe', 1978);
$result = $mapper->map($employee, \stdClass::class);

echo $result->firstName; // => "John"
echo $result->lastName; // => "Doe"
var_dump(isset($result->id)); // => bool(false)

$config->registerMapping(CamelCaseSource::class, \stdClass::class)
        new CamelCaseNamingConvention(),
        new SnakeCaseNamingConvention()
    // Operations have to be defined using the target property name.
    ->forMember('some_property', function () { return 'new value'; });
$mapper = new AutoMapper($config);

$source = new CamelCaseSource();
$source->someProperty = 'original value';
$source->anotherProperty = 'Another value';
$result = $mapper->map($employee, \stdClass::class);

var_dump(isset($result->someProperty)); // => bool(false)
echo $result->some_property; // => "new value"
echo $result->another_property; // => "Another value"

class YourObjectCrate { }

$config = new AutoMapperConfig(); // (Or pass a callable to the constructor)
$config->registerMapping(Employee::class, YourObjectCrate::class);
$mapper = new AutoMapper($config);

$employee = new Employee(5, 'John', 'Doe', 1978);
$result = $mapper->map($employee, YourObjectCrate::class);

echo $result->firstName; // => "John"
echo $result->lastName; // => "Doe"
echo get_class($result); // => "YourObjectCrate"

// You can either extend the CustomMapper, or just implement the MapperInterface
// directly.
class EmployeeMapper extends CustomMapper
     * @param Employee $source
     * @param EmployeeDto $destination
     * @return EmployeeDto
    public function mapToObject($source, $destination)
        $destination->id = $source->getId();
        $destination->firstName = $source->getFirstName();
        $destination->lastName = $source->getLastName();
        $destination->age = date('Y') - $source->getBirthYear();

        return $destination;

$config->registerMapping(Employee::class, EmployeeDto::class)
    ->useCustomMapper(new EmployeeMapper());
$mapper = new AutoMapper($config);

// The AutoMapper can now be used as usual, but your custom mapper class will be
// called to do the actual mapping.
$employee = new Employee(10, 'John', 'Doe', 1980);
$result = $mapper->map($employee, EmployeeDto::class);