PHP code example of starrysea / validate

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download starrysea/validate library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


starrysea / validate example snippets

'providers' => [
    // ...

'aliases' => [
    // ...
    'Validate' => Starrysea\Validate\Validate::class,

$app->register(Starrysea\Validate\ValidateServiceProvider::class); // 注册 Validate 服务提供者

class_alias(Starrysea\Validate\Validate::class, 'Validate'); // 添加 Validate 门面

// app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php

use Starrysea\Validate\Validate;

class RouteServiceProvider
    // ...
    public function boot()
        Validate::RoutesParameter(); // 定义路由参数验证
        // ...
    // ...

// routes/web.php

// 验证 id/ids
Route::get('/{id}', function ($id) {
    return $id; // 纯数字通过, 否则 404 错误

// 验证手机号码
Route::get('/{phone}', function ($phone) {
    return $phone; // 中国11位手机号码通过, 否则 404 错误

// 验证多id, 以","号分隔, 如: 1,2,3,4,5
Route::get('/{manyid}', function ($manyid) {
    return $manyid; // 全部都为数字通过, 否则 404 错误

// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

use Starrysea\Validate\Validate;

class AppServiceProvider
    // ...

    public function boot()
        Validate::FormRules(); // 扩展表单验证规则
        // ...
    // ...

// resources/lang/en/validation.php

return [
    // ...

    'identitys' => 'The :attribute not a valid id number.',

    'phone' => 'The :attribute not a legal chinese mobile number.',

    'english' => 'The :attribute contains characters other than spaces, english, and numbers.',

    'password' => 'The :attribute does not meet the password verification rules.',

// resources/lang/zh_cn/validation.php

return [
    // ...

    'identitys' => ':attribute 不是合法的身份证号码',

    'phone' => ':attribute 不是合法的中国手机号码',

    'english' => ':attribute 包含了空格、英文、数字以外的字符',

    'password' => ':attribute 不符合密码验证规则',

// vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/FormRequest.php

use Starrysea\Validate\FormRequest as FormRequestDevelop;

class FormRequest
    // ...
    // 引入表单验证扩展
    use FormRequestDevelop;
    // 重写创建验证实例方法
    protected function createDefaultValidator(ValidationFactory $factory)
        return $factory->make(
            $this->validationData(), $this->container->call([$this, 'combine']),
            $this->messages(), $this->attributes()
    // 重写获取验证数据方法
    public function validated()
        $rules = $this->container->call([$this, 'combine']);

        return $this->only(collect($rules)->keys()->map(function ($rule) {
            return explode('.', $rule)[0];

    // ...

class FormRequestGatherTest
    // 展现构筑规则方法名
    protected $showSource = true;

    // 展现当前请求验证的所有规则
    protected $showRule = true;

    // 该规则任何时候都生效, 但是优先级最低, 可被其它规则重写
    public function rules()
        return [
            'idcode' => 'identitys',
            'phone'  => 'phone'

    // 构筑规则获得如下方法, 该规则仅 get 请求生效
    public function rulesGet()
        return [
            'phone' => 'bail|