PHP code example of starrysea / usually

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download starrysea/usually library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


starrysea / usually example snippets

'providers' => [
    // ...

'aliases' => [
    // ...
    'Convert' => Starrysea\Usually\Convert::class,

$app->register(Starrysea\Usually\ConvertServiceProvider::class); // 注册 Convert 服务提供者

class_alias(Starrysea\Usually\Convert::class, 'Convert'); // 添加 Convert 门面

use Starrysea\Usually\Convert;

class ConvertGatherTest
    public static function collectNumerals()
        $data = '你好, Laravel5.6';
        return Convert::collectNumerals($data); // 56

    public static function filtercharacter()
        $data = '你好, Laravel5.6';
        return Convert::filtercharacter($data); // 你好Laravel56

    public static function hPhone()
        $data = '13333336895';
        return Convert::hPhone($data); // 133****6895
//        return Convert::hPhone($data, '·'); // 133····6895
//        return Convert::hPhone($data, '·', '1'); // 1····336895
//        return Convert::hPhone($data, '·', 2, 6); // 13······895

    public static function randstr()
        return Convert::randstr(); // oIKNmM4Y
//        return Convert::randstr(3); // 2SV
//        return Convert::randstr(8, 's'); // 27723077
//        return Convert::randstr(8, 'x'); // aibiolgs
//        return Convert::randstr(8, 'd'); // JMDPYQNB
//        return Convert::randstr(8, 'sx'); // 3k1b0l2p
//        return Convert::randstr(8, 'sd'); // 2V3LTC5H
//        return Convert::randstr(8, 'xd'); // iGnyrQge
//        return Convert::randstr(8, 'sxd'); // ov1YRpns
    public static function uniqueNumber()
        return Convert::uniqueNumber(); // 111268305027050944060822644
//        return Convert::uniqueNumber('你好, laravel'); // 846243285156900266804426466422

    public static function Pscws4()
        $data = '我爱连衣裙';
        return Convert::Pscws4()->send_text($data)->set_ignore(true)->get_result('word'); // ['我爱', '连衣裙']

    public static function isTerminal()
        return Convert::isTerminal('pc'); // true
//        return Convert::isTerminal('phone'); // false
//        return Convert::isTerminal('android'); // false
//        return Convert::isTerminal('ios'); // false
//        return Convert::isTerminal('wechat'); // false